Business German Vocabulary (B1-B2): List, Examples, Quiz, and Short Story

Business German Vocabulary (B1-B2): List, Examples, Quiz, and Short Story

Introduction to Business German Vocabulary

For intermediate German learners aiming to excel in professional settings, acquiring business-specific vocabulary is important. Whether you're preparing for a job in a German-speaking company or looking to enhance your language skills for international business, this guide will provide you with key terms and phrases used in the corporate world.

In this article, you'll find a carefully selected list of business-related German nouns, along with example sentences to help you understand how they're used in context. We've also included a quiz to test your knowledge and a short story to further immerse you in business German.

Comprehensive Business German Vocabulary List

Below is a list of key business German vocabulary words, suitable for learners at the B1-B2 levels. These terms will help you navigate professional environments and understand business communications more effectively.

German WordEnglish Translation
der Arbeitgeber/die Arbeitgeberinthe employer
der Arbeitnehmer/die Arbeitnehmerinthe employee
der Arbeitsvertragthe employment contract
die Aufgabethe task
der Berichtthe report
die Beförderungthe promotion
die Besprechungthe meeting
die Bewerbungthe application
das Budgetthe budget
das Bürothe office
der Chef/die Chefinthe boss
die Fortbildungthe further training
die Fristthe deadline
der Gewinnthe profit
die Investitionthe investment
die Kündigungsfristthe notice period
der Kunde / die Kundinthe customer (male/female)
der Leiter / die Leiterinthe leader (male/female)
der Lieferantthe supplier
das Marketingthe marketing
die Präsentationthe presentation
das Projektthe project
die Rechnungthe invoice
die Schulungthe training
das Teamthe team
der Umsatzthe revenue
das Unternehmenthe company
die Vereinbarungthe agreement
der Verlustthe loss
die Verhandlungthe negotiation
der Verkaufthe sales
der Vertragthe contract
das Zielthe goal

Example Sentences Using Business German Vocabulary

Man learning Business German Vocabulary B1-B2 on a laptop, focusing on essential corporate terms for professional communication.

To help you grasp how these terms are used in real-life situations, here are example sentences with their English translations.

German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
der Arbeitgeber/die ArbeitgeberinMein Arbeitgeber bietet flexible Arbeitszeiten an.My employer offers flexible working hours.
der Arbeitnehmer/die Arbeitnehmerin                               Tina ist eine fleißige Arbeitnehmerin. Tina is a hard-working employee.
der ArbeitsvertragIch habe den Arbeitsvertrag gestern unterschrieben.I signed the employment contract yesterday.
die AufgabeDiese Aufgabe muss bis Freitag erledigt werden.This task must be completed by Friday.
der BerichtEr hat den Bericht an den Chef gesendet.He sent the report to the boss.
die BeförderungSie hofft auf eine Beförderung im nächsten Jahr.She hopes for a promotion next year.
die BesprechungDie Besprechung findet um 10 Uhr im Konferenzraum statt.The meeting takes place at 10 o'clock in the conference room.
die BewerbungEr hat seine Bewerbung an mehrere Unternehmen geschickt.He sent his application to several companies.
das BudgetWir müssen das Budget für das Projekt planen.We need to plan the budget for the project.
das BüroIch arbeite in einem großen Büro im Stadtzentrum.I work in a large office in the city center.
der Chef/die ChefinDer Chef hat heute ein Meeting mit dem Team.The boss has a meeting with the team today.
die FortbildungDie Fortbildung hilft uns, neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen.The further training helps us to learn new skills.
die FristDie Frist für die Abgabe des Berichts ist morgen.The deadline for submitting the report is tomorrow.
der GewinnUnser Gewinn ist dieses Quartal gestiegen.Our profit increased this quarter.
die InvestitionDas Unternehmen plant eine Investition in neue Technologien.The company plans an investment in new technologies.
die KündigungsfristDie Kündigungsfrist beträgt zwei Wochen.The notice period is two weeks.
der Kunde / die Kundin                                                                                Unsere Kunden sind mit unserem Service zufrieden.Our customers are satisfied with our service.
der Leiter / die LeiterinDie Projektleiterin hat das Meeting geleitet.The project leader led the meeting.
der LieferantWir warten auf die Lieferung vom Lieferanten.We are waiting for the delivery from the supplier.
das MarketingDie Marketingabteilung hat eine neue Kampagne gestartet.The marketing department launched a new campaign.
die PräsentationEr bereitet eine Präsentation für die Konferenz vor.He is preparing a presentation for the conference.
das ProjektDas Projekt wird nächsten Monat abgeschlossen.The project will be completed next month.
die RechnungBitte senden Sie die Rechnung an unsere Buchhaltung.Please send the invoice to our accounting department.
die SchulungDie neue Software erfordert eine Schulung.The new software requires training.
das TeamDas Team arbeitet eng zusammen, um das Projekt abzuschließen.The team works closely to complete the project.
der UmsatzDer Umsatz ist im letzten Jahr um 15% gestiegen.The revenue increased by 15% last year.
das UnternehmenDas Unternehmen expandiert international.The company is expanding internationally.
die VereinbarungWir haben eine Vereinbarung mit dem Partnerunternehmen getroffen.We have made an agreement with the partner company.
der VerlustDas Projekt führte zu einem finanziellen Verlust.The project resulted in a financial loss.
die VerhandlungDie Verhandlungen mit dem neuen Kunden waren erfolgreich.The negotiations with the new client were successful.
der VerkaufDer Verkauf unserer Produkte läuft gut.The sales of our products are going well.
der VertragDer Vertrag wurde gestern unterzeichnet.The contract was signed yesterday.
das ZielUnser Ziel ist es, den Marktanteil zu erhöhen.Our goal is to increase market share.

Free German Business Vocabulary Quiz

Ready to assess your understanding of business German vocabulary? Take our quiz to see how much you've learned and identify areas for improvement.

Start the Business German Vocabulary Quiz: here.

Read a Short Story Featuring Business Vocabulary

Enhance your learning by reading a short story that incorporates the business vocabulary you've just studied. This will help you see the words in context and improve your reading comprehension.

Read the Short Story: Coming Soon


Building a strong business vocabulary in German is a valuable step towards achieving fluency in professional settings. 

Keep revisiting this guide and continue to expand your vocabulary. Viel Erfolg auf Ihrem Weg! (Wishing you much success on your journey!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn business German vocabulary?

Learning business German vocabulary is essential if you plan to work in a German-speaking environment or conduct business with German companies. It helps you communicate professionally and understand industry-specific terms.

Are these terms commonly used in German businesses?

Yes, these terms are widely used in German business settings and are needed for anyone looking to engage in professional communication.

Do you offer an overview of all vocabulary articles? 

Certainly! You can explore it right: here.

Where can I find more German learning resources?

Visit our website for additional vocabulary articles, vocabulary quizzes, and short stories. We also offer grammar articles and quizzes.


Article by Niko

Published 15 Oct 2024