German Grammar Articles Overview: A-Z Guide for All Levels

Smiling man pointing upwards in front of a chalkboard, symbolizing explanation of German Final Clauses.
A teacher enthusiastically explaining the concept of German Final Clauses, making grammar easy to understand.

Introduction A-Z

Explore our A-Z German grammar articles, made for learners of all levels. Enhance your understanding of German grammar systematically with our easy-to-understand articles.

  1. Accusative Case
  2. Accusative Prepositions
  3. Adjective Endings 
  4. Adjective Endings with Definite Articles
  5. Adjective Endings with Indefinite Articles
  6. Adjective Endings with Possessive Pronouns
  7. “Als” VS “Wenn” VS “Wann” 
  8. Als vs. Wie
  9. Article Charts
  10. Article Rules
  11. Articles Overview
  12. Cases Overview
  13. Causal Clauses 
  14. Comparative and Superlative 
  15. Concessive Clauses: Obwohl, Trotzdem, and Trotz
  16. Concessive Prepositions
  17. Consecutive Clauses (Konsekutivsätze)
  18. Dass vs. Das
  19. Dative Case
  20. Dative Prepositions 
  21. Dative Verbs
  22. Dative Vs Accusative Case
  23. Definite Articles
  24. Definite VS Indefinite Articles
  25. Final Clauses
  26. Forming Questions in German
  27. Future 1 Tense
  28. Future 2 (Future Perfect) 
  29. Genitive Case
  30. Genitive Prepositions
  31. Genitive Verbs
  32. Imperative 
  33. Indefinite Articles
  34. Indefinite Pronouns (Indefinitpronomen)
  35. Indefinite Pronoun “man”
  36. Indirect Questions (Indirekte Fragesätze)
  37. Inseparable Verbs (Untrennbare Verben)
  38. Inversion
  39. Local Prepositions (Lokale Präpositionen)
  40. Modal Verbs
  41. N-Deklination (N-Declension) 
  42. Negation: “Nicht” and “Kein”
  43. Nominative Case
  44. “Ob” VS “Wenn”
  45. Participles
  46. Passive in German
  47. Passive with Modal Verbs
  48. Personal Pronouns
  49. Prepositions: Overview
  50. Present Tense
  51. Relative Clauses
  52. Relative Clauses with Prepositions
  53. Sentence Structure: Word Order in German
  54. Separable Verbs (Trennbare Verben)
  55. Simple Past Tense (Präteritum)
  56. Temporal Adverbs
  57. Temporal Prepositions
  58. Tenses Overview
  59. The Past Perfect (Plusquamperfekt) 
  60. The Perfect Tense (Perfekt) 
  61. Two-Way Prepositions (Wechselpräpositionen)
  62. Verb “Haben” 
  63. Verb “Sein” 
  64. Verb “Werden”
  65. Weak (Regular) Verbs
  66. Werden vs. Bekommen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is access to the Grammar Articles Free of Charge?

Absolutely! Our complete grammar articles are freely available.

What topics does this Grammar Guide cover?

This guide spans a full spectrum of German grammar topics, from fundamental concepts to advanced structures, suitable for learners from A1 to C1 levels.

Can I find specific Grammar Topics quickly?

Yes, each grammar topic is linked for quick access, allowing you to jump directly to the sections you need to focus on.

Do you provide Examples with the Grammar Rules?

Most articles include relevant examples to help you understand the practical application of the rules.

Do you offer Grammar Quizzes?

Yes, we offer many free grammar articles. Check it out: here.

Where can I find additional German learning Resources?

Explore our website for more learning materials, including grammar quizzes, vocabulary lists, vocabulary quizzes, and short stories.

Are Updates made to the Grammar guide?

We regularly update our resources to ensure they provide the most current and effective guidance for learning German.