German A1 Family Vocabulary: Learn with Examples and a Free Quiz

German A1 Family Vocabulary: Learn with Examples and a Free Quiz

Introduction to Essential German A1 Family Vocabulary

Learning German family vocabulary is essential for beginners as it helps you communicate about the people closest to you. Whether you're talking about your parents, siblings, or extended family members, mastering these words will help you in your conversations. 

In this article, you'll find a comprehensive list of must-know German A1 family words, complete with practical example sentences to show how to use each word in context. Plus, we’ve included a free quiz and a short story to help you practice and reinforce your learning. Let’s get started!

Must-Know German A1 Vocabulary List for Family

die Familiethe family
der Vater the father
die Mutterthe mother
der Bruderthe brother
die Schwesterthe sister
die Eltern the parents
die Großelternthe grandparents
die Großmutterthe grandmother
das Kind the child
der Sohn the son
die Tochterthe daughter
der Onkelthe uncle
die Tante the aunt
der Cousinthe male cousin
die Cousine the female cousin
der Neffethe nephew
der Opathe grandpa
die Oma the grandma
die Nichte the niece
die Ehefrauthe wife
der Ehemannthe husband

German Family Vocabulary for Beginners: Everyday Example Sentences

Parents teaching their child to ride a bike, illustrating German A1 family vocabulary terms like 'die Eltern,' 'das Kind,' and 'die Familie.
Vocabulary                    German Example SentenceEnglish Translation
die FamilieDie Familie wohnt in Berlin.The family lives in Berlin.
der VaterDer Vater arbeitet als Lehrer.The father works as a teacher.
die MutterDie Mutter kocht heute.The mother cooks today.
der BruderMein Bruder spielt Fußball im Park.My brother plays soccer in the park.
die Schwester Die Schwester liest gern Bücher.The sister likes reading books.
die Eltern Meine Eltern fahren dieses Wochenende in den Urlaub.My parents are going on vacation this weekend.
die GroßelternMeine Großeltern besuchen uns oft.My grandparents visit us often.
der GroßvaterMein Großvater erzählt immer lustige Geschichten.My grandfather always tells funny stories.
die Großmutter                                        Meine Großmutter backt einen leckeren Kuchen.My grandmother bakes a delicious cake.
das KindDas Kind spielt mit seinem Hund im Garten.The child is playing with their dog in the garden.
der SohnDer Sohn geht noch zur Schule.The son still goes to school.
die TochterDie Tochter liebt es zu tanzen.The daughter loves to dance.
der OnkelDer Onkel kommt uns am Wochenende besuchen.The uncle is visiting us this weekend.
die TanteMeine Tante arbeitet in einem Krankenhaus.My aunt works in a hospital.
der CousinMein Cousin wohnt in Frankfurt.My (male) cousin lives in Frankfurt.
die CousineMeine Cousine ist sehr freundlich.My (female) cousin is very friendly.
der NeffeMein Neffe ist drei Jahre alt.My nephew is three years old.
der Opa Der Opa mag es, im Garten zu arbeiten.The grandpa likes working in the garden.
die Oma Die Oma strickt jeden Abend.The grandma knits every evening.
die NichteMeine Nichte geht in den Kindergarten.My niece goes to kindergarten.
die EhefrauSeine Ehefrau ist Lehrerin.His wife is a teacher.
der EhemannIhr Ehemann ist Arzt.Her husband is a doctor.

Free German A1 Family Vocabulary Quiz

Test your knowledge of family vocab with our free quiz. Start practicing now by clicking here!

German Family Day Out: A Short Story for Beginners

Check out this short story, perfect for A1-A2 German learners, featuring common family words. Read it now: here




Article by Niko

Published 10 Sep 2024