German Animal Vocabulary for Beginners: List, Sentences & Quiz

Close-up of a giraffe, representing German animal vocabulary, including the word Giraffe (giraffe).

Table of Contents

Introduction to Animals in German

Learning animal names is a fun and engaging way to expand your German vocabulary. Whether you’re visiting a zoo, reading a children’s book, or simply love animals, knowing these words will enhance your understanding and communication skills.

This guide is great for beginners who want to learn the German names for a variety of animals through vocabulary lists, example sentences, a quizz, and a short story.

Essential German Animal Vocabulary List

Below is a list of common animals in German, sorted alphabetically based on the German terms. Familiarize yourself with these words to enhance your vocabulary.

German WordEnglish Translation
der Adlerthe eagle
der Affethe monkey
der Bärthe bear
die Bienethe bee
der Delfinthe dolphin
das Eichhörnchenthe squirrel
der Elefantthe elephant
der Fuchsthe fox
die Giraffethe giraffe
der Haithe shark
das Huhnthe chicken
der Hundthe dog
der Igelthe hedgehog
das Kaninchenthe rabbit
die Katzethe cat
die Kuhthe cow
der Löwethe lion
die Mausthe mouse
das Nashornthe rhinoceros
der Tintenfisch/die Krakethe octopus
der Pfauthe peacock
das Pferdthe horse
der Pinguinthe penguin
das Schafthe sheep
der Schmetterlingthe butterfly
die Schildkrötethe turtle
der Tigerthe tiger
der Vogelthe bird
der Walthe whale
der Wolfthe wolf
das Zebrathe zebra

Practice German Animal Vocabulary with Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences to help you understand how to use these animal names in context. Each sentence includes the German word, followed by an English translation.

Portrait of a lion symbolizing German animal vocabulary, including the word Löwe (lion).
Enhance your German animal vocabulary with this majestic portrait of a Löwe (lion).
German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
der AdlerDer Adler fliegt hoch am Himmel.The eagle flies high in the sky.
der AffeDer Affe klettert auf den Baum.The monkey is climbing the tree.
der BärIm Wald lebt ein großer Bär.A big bear lives in the forest.
die BieneDie Biene sammelt Nektar.The bee collects nectar.
der DelfinDer Delfin springt aus dem Wasser.The dolphin jumps out of the water.
das EichhörnchenDas Eichhörnchen sammelt Nüsse.The squirrel collects nuts.
der ElefantDer Elefant hat einen langen Rüssel.The elephant has a long trunk.
der FuchsDer Fuchs ist schlau.The fox is clever.
die GiraffeDie Giraffe hat einen langen Hals.The giraffe has a long neck.
der HaiDer Hai schwimmt im Meer.The shark swims in the sea.
das HuhnDas Huhn legt ein Ei.The chicken lays an egg.
der HundDer Hund bellt laut.The dog barks loudly.
der IgelDer Igel rollt sich zusammen.The hedgehog curls up.
das KaninchenDas Kaninchen frisst eine Karotte.The rabbit eats a carrot.
die KatzeDie Katze schläft auf dem Sofa.The cat sleeps on the sofa.
die KuhDie Kuh gibt Milch.The cow gives milk.
der LöweDer Löwe ist der König der Tiere.The lion is the king of animals.
die MausDie Maus ist klein und schnell.The mouse is small and fast.
das NashornDas Nashorn hat ein Horn auf der Nase.The rhinoceros has a horn on its nose.
der Tintenfisch/die Krake                                      Der Oktopus hat acht Arme.The octopus has eight arms.
der PfauDer Pfau schlägt ein Rad mit seinen Federn.The peacock displays its feathers.
das PferdDas Pferd galoppiert über die Wiese.The horse gallops across the meadow.
der PinguinDer Pinguin kann nicht fliegen.The penguin cannot fly.
das SchafDas Schaf hat weiche Wolle.The sheep has soft wool.
der SchmetterlingDer Schmetterling fliegt von Blume zu Blume.The butterfly flies from flower to flower.
die SchildkröteDie Schildkröte bewegt sich langsam.The turtle moves slowly.
der TigerDer Tiger hat Streifen.The tiger has stripes.
der VogelDer Vogel singt im Baum.The bird sings in the tree.
der WalDer Wal ist das größte Tier im Meer.The whale is the largest animal in the sea.
der WolfDer Wolf heult im Mondlicht.The wolf howls in the moonlight.
das ZebraDas Zebra hat schwarze und weiße Streifen.The zebra has black and white stripes.

Test Your Knowledge with Our German Animals Quiz

Try our German animal vocabulary quiz and find out how much you’ve mastered.


Learning animal names in German is a fun and effective way to expand your vocabulary. These words will help you talk about animals, follow along with stories, and improve your overall German skills.

Viel Spaß beim Lernen! (Enjoy learning!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn animal names in German?

Learning animal names expands your vocabulary and helps you understand everyday conversations, stories, and media that involve animals. It’s also a fun way to engage with the language.

Are these animal names used in everyday German conversations?

Yes, these common animal names are used frequently in daily conversations, children’s books, educational materials, and more.

How can I practice using these new vocabulary words?

Practice by creating your own sentences, labeling pictures, taking our quiz, and reading the short story provided. You can also try to describe animals you see in German.

Where can I find more resources for German learners?

Explore our website for more articles, vocabulary  quizzes, as well as short stories.