Master German Cinema Vocabulary: List, Examples, and Quiz (A2-B1)

Audience watching a 3D movie in a cinema, representing German cinema vocabulary for movie theaters and viewing experiences.

Table of Contents

Introduction to German Vocabulary: Movies and Cinema

For intermediate German learners (A2-B1 levels), expanding your vocabulary to include terms related to movies and cinema can greatly enhance your conversational skills. Whether you’re discussing your favorite film, reading reviews, or planning a trip to the cinema, these words will help you engage more deeply with German-speaking friends and media. In this guide, we’ll explore essential German cinema vocabulary, complete with example sentences and English translations. By the end of this article, you’ll be better equipped to discuss movies and understand cinema-related conversations in German.

Essential German Cinema Vocabulary List

Below is a curated list of common German words related to movies and cinema. Familiarize yourself with these terms to enhance your language skills and enjoy German films even more.
German Word English Translation
der Abspann the end credits
der Actionfilm the action movie
das Drama the drama
das Drehbuch the screenplay
der Film the movie
filmen to film
das Genre the genre
der Horrorfilm the horror film
die Kamera the camera
das Kino the cinema
die Komödie the comedy
die Leinwand the screen
lustig funny
die Pause the intermission
das Popcorn the popcorn
die Premiere the premiere
der Regisseur the director
die Rezension the review
der Schauspieler the actor
die Schauspielerin the actress
schneiden to cut
der Sitzplatz the seat
der Soundtrack the soundtrack
spannend exciting
synchronisieren to dub
die Szene the scene
der Titel the title
der Trailer the trailer
traurig sad
der Zuschauer the viewer

Example Sentences with German Cinema Vocabulary

Film equipment, including a clapperboard and camera, illustrating key terms in German cinema vocabulary for filmmaking.

Master German cinema vocabulary today!

To help you understand how these words are used in context, here are some example sentences along with their English translations.
German Word German Example Sentence English Translation
der Abspann Wir blieben sitzen, um den Abspann zu sehen. We stayed seated to watch the end credits.
der Actionfilm Mein Bruder liebt Actionfilme. My brother loves action movies.
das Drama Das Drama gewann viele Preise. The drama won many awards.
das Drehbuch Das Drehbuch wurde von einem berühmten Autor geschrieben. The screenplay was written by a famous author.
der Film Hast du den neuen Film gesehen? Have you seen the new movie?
filmen Sie planen, in Berlin zu filmen. They plan to film in Berlin.
das Genre Horror ist nicht mein Lieblingsgenre. Horror is not my favorite genre.
der Horrorfilm Der Horrorfilm war sehr gruselig. The horror film was very scary.
die Kamera Die Kameraarbeit in diesem Film ist beeindruckend. The cinematography in this film is impressive.
das Kino Wir treffen uns um 7 Uhr vor dem Kino. We’ll meet at 7 o’clock in front of the cinema.
die Komödie Die Komödie hat uns zum Lachen gebracht. The comedy made us laugh.
die Leinwand Der Film wurde auf einer großen Leinwand gezeigt. The movie was shown on a big screen.
lustig Der Film war sehr lustig. The movie was very funny.
die Pause Es gab eine kurze Pause in der Mitte des Films. There was a short intermission in the middle of the film.
das Popcorn Ich kaufe immer Popcorn im Kino. I always buy popcorn at the cinema.
die Premiere Die Premiere des Films ist nächsten Freitag. The movie’s premiere is next Friday.
der Regisseur Der Regisseur ist für seinen einzigartigen Stil bekannt. The director is known for his unique style.
die Rezension Die Rezension des Films war positiv. The review of the movie was positive.
der Schauspieler Der Schauspieler hat eine großartige Leistung erbracht. The actor gave a great performance.
die Schauspielerin                                                Die Schauspielerin gewann einen Preis. The actress won an award.
schneiden Sie müssen den Film noch schneiden. They still need to edit the film.
der Sitzplatz Unsere Sitzplätze sind in der Mitte. Our seats are in the middle.
der Soundtrack Der Soundtrack des Films ist fantastisch. The movie’s soundtrack is fantastic.
spannend Die Handlung war sehr spannend. The plot was very exciting.
synchronisieren Der Film wurde ins Deutsche synchronisiert. The film was dubbed into German.
die Szene Diese Szene war besonders beeindruckend. That scene was particularly impressive.
der Titel Wie lautet der Titel des Films? What is the title of the movie?
der Trailer Hast du den neuen Trailer gesehen? Did you see the new trailer?
traurig Das Ende des Films war sehr traurig. The ending of the movie was very sad.
der Zuschauer Die Zuschauer waren begeistert. The viewers were thrilled.

Challenge Yourself with Our Film Vocabulary Quiz

Confident in your newly learned words? Try our interactive quiz and evaluate how well you know the key terms of German cinema. Begin the quiz: here.


Expanding your German vocabulary to include movies and cinema opens up new avenues for conversation and enjoyment. Whether you’re discussing films with friends or exploring German cinema, these terms will enhance your experience. Keep practicing, and don’t hesitate to revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Spaß beim Filmschauen! (Have fun watching movies!)

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Why should I learn German cinema vocabulary?

Learning cinema vocabulary enables you to discuss movies, understand film reviews, and engage with German media, enriching your cultural experience and language skills.

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