German Emergency Vocabulary (A1-A2): List, Examples & Quiz

German Emergency Vocabulary (A1-A2): List, Examples & Quiz

Introduction to German Emergency Vocabulary

When traveling or living in German-speaking countries, it's crucial to know how to handle emergency situations. Understanding basic emergency vocabulary can make a significant difference when you need help or assistance. This beginner-friendly guide will introduce you to essential German words and phrases related to emergencies.

In this article, we'll cover important terms, provide example sentences, and offer resources to test your knowledge. By the end, you'll feel more confident navigating emergencies in German.

German Emergency Vocabulary List

Below is a list of common German words related to emergencies, suitable for beginners at the A1-A2 levels. Get to know these terms to enhance your safety and communication in urgent situations.

German WordEnglish Translation
die Apothekethe pharmacy
der Arztthe doctor
das Blutthe blood
blutento bleed
der Brandthe fire
brennento burn
der Diebstahlthe theft
die Erste Hilfethe first aid
die Feuerwehrthe fire department
der Feuerwehrmannthe firefighter
die Gefahrthe danger
helfento help
die Hilfethe help
das Krankenhausthe hospital
der Krankenwagenthe ambulance
die Krankheitthe illness
die Medikamentethe medicines
die Notaufnahmethe emergency room
der Notfallthe emergency
der Notrufthe emergency call
die Polizeithe police
das Problemthe problem
die Rettungthe rescue
der Schmerzthe pain
der Unfallthe accident
die Verletzungthe injury
die Versicherungthe insurance

Example Sentences Using German Emergency Vocabulary

Firefighters in action demonstrating the importance of knowing German emergency vocabulary for handling fire-related incidents.

To help you understand how these words are used in context, here are some example sentences with their English translations.

German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
die ApothekeWo ist die nächste Apotheke?Where is the nearest pharmacy?
der ArztIch muss zum Arzt gehen.I need to see a doctor.
das BlutEr verliert viel Blut.He is losing a lot of blood.
blutenMeine Hand blutet.My hand is bleeding.
der BrandEs gibt einen Brand im Gebäude.There is a fire in the building.
brennenDas Haus brennt!The house is burning!
der DiebstahlIch möchte einen Diebstahl melden.I want to report a theft.
die Erste HilfeKann jemand Erste Hilfe leisten?Can someone provide first aid?
die FeuerwehrRufen Sie die Feuerwehr an!Call the fire department!
der FeuerwehrmannDer Feuerwehrmann löscht das Feuer.The firefighter is extinguishing the fire.
die GefahrVorsicht, Gefahr!Caution, danger!
gefährlichDie Straße ist gefährlich.The road is dangerous.
helfenKönnen Sie mir helfen?Can you help me?
die HilfeIch brauche Hilfe!I need help!
krankIch fühle mich krank.I feel sick.
das KrankenhausWo ist das nächste Krankenhaus?Where is the nearest hospital?
der KrankenwagenRufen Sie einen Krankenwagen!Call an ambulance!
die KrankheitWelche Krankheit haben Sie?What illness do you have?
die MedikamenteIch muss meine Medikamente nehmen.I need to take my medicines.
die NotaufnahmeEr wurde in die Notaufnahme gebracht.He was taken to the emergency room.
der NotfallDas ist ein Notfall!This is an emergency!
der NotrufWählen Sie den Notruf 112.Dial the emergency number 112.
die PolizeiWir müssen die Polizei informieren.We need to inform the police.
das ProblemEs gibt ein Problem hier.There is a problem here.
die RettungDie Rettung kommt bald.Rescue is coming soon.
der SchmerzIch habe starke Schmerzen.I have severe pain.
der UnfallEs gab einen Unfall auf der Straße.There was an accident on the road.
verletztEr ist verletzt.He is injured.
die VerletzungDie Verletzung ist nicht schwer.The injury is not serious.
die Versicherung                                                Haben Sie eine Versicherung?Do you have insurance?

Emergency Vocabulary Quiz

Are you prepared to check your knowledge of German emergency vocabulary? Try our free quiz: here.

Practice with a Short Story

Read the short story: Coming soon.


Learning German emergency vocabulary is important for anyone traveling or living in German-speaking countries. It equips you with the language skills needed to handle urgent situations effectively. Keep practicing these words, and don't hesitate to revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher.

Stay safe and take care! (Bleiben Sie sicher und passen Sie auf sich auf!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is it important to learn German emergency vocabulary?

Knowing emergency vocabulary helps you communicate effectively during urgent situations, ensuring you can get the help you need promptly.

Are these emergency terms commonly used in Germany?

Yes, these terms are essential and commonly used in emergencies across German-speaking countries.

Where can I find more beginner German learning resources?

Visit our website for more vocabulary articles, vocabulary quizzes, grammar articles, grammar quizzes and short stories. Our resources are designed to make learning German both effective and enjoyable.


Article by Niko

Published 21 Oct 2024