German Furniture Vocabulary: List, Examples, Quiz, and Short Story (A2-B1)

German Furniture Vocabulary: List, Examples, Quiz, and Short Story (A2-B1)

Introduction to German Furniture Vocabulary

Expanding your vocabulary is an important step in mastering any language, and for intermediate to advanced German learners, diving into specific topics like furniture can greatly enhance your fluency. Whether you're discussing home decor, shopping for furniture in Germany, or reading German literature, knowing these terms will enrich your conversations and comprehension.

This guide provides a curated list of essential German furniture vocabulary, complete with example sentences, a quiz to test your knowledge, and a short story to help you practice in context.

Essential German Furniture Vocabulary List

Below is a comprehensive list of German furniture terms, sorted alphabetically based on the German words (ignoring articles but including them). Familiarize yourself with these words to enhance your vocabulary.

German WordEnglish Translation
der Beistelltischthe side table
das Bettthe bed
das Bücherregalthe bookshelf
der Bürostuhlthe office chair
die Couchthe couch
der Couchtischthe coffee table
das Doppelbettthe double bed
das Einzelbettthe single bed
der Esstischthe dining table
der Fernsehtischthe TV stand
die Garderobethe wardrobe (hallway)
der Hockerthe stool
der Kaminthe fireplace
der Kleiderschrankthe closet
die Kommodethe dresser
die Matratzethe mattress
der Nachttischthe nightstand
das Regalthe shelf
der Schaukelstuhlthe rocking chair
der Schrankthe cupboard
der Schreibtischthe desk
der Schuhschrankthe shoe cabinet
der Sesselthe armchair
das Sofathe sofa
der Spiegelthe mirror
der Stuhlthe chair
der Tischthe table
die Truhethe chest
die Vitrinethe display cabinet

Example Sentences Using German Furniture Vocabulary

Modern living room setup with sofas, coffee table, and dining furniture, illustrating key terms from the German Furniture Vocabulary guide

To help you understand how to use these words in context, here are example sentences for each term, along with their English translations.

German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
der BeistelltischIch stelle die Lampe auf den Beistelltisch.I put the lamp on the side table.
das BettDas Bett ist sehr bequem.The bed is very comfortable.
das BücherregalMeine Bücher stehen im Bücherregal.My books are on the bookshelf.
der BürostuhlEin ergonomischer Bürostuhl ist wichtig.An ergonomic office chair is important.
die CouchWir entspannen uns auf der Couch.We relax on the couch.
der CouchtischDie Zeitschriften liegen auf dem Couchtisch.The magazines are on the coffee table.
das DoppelbettIm Gästezimmer steht ein Doppelbett.There is a double bed in the guest room.
das EinzelbettDas Kinderzimmer hat ein Einzelbett.The children's room has a single bed.
der EsstischWir essen gemeinsam am Esstisch.We eat together at the dining table.
der FernsehtischDer Fernseher steht auf dem Fernsehtisch.The TV is on the TV stand.
die GarderobeHänge deine Jacke an die Garderobe.Hang your jacket on the wardrobe.
der HockerIch sitze gerne auf dem Hocker.I like sitting on the stool.
der KaminIm Winter machen wir ein Feuer im Kamin.In winter, we make a fire in the fireplace.
der KleiderschrankMeine Kleidung hängt im Kleiderschrank.My clothes are hanging in the closet.
die KommodeSocken sind in der obersten Schublade der Kommode.Socks are in the top drawer of the dresser.
die MatratzeEine gute Matratze ist wichtig für den Schlaf.A good mattress is important for sleep.
der NachttischMein Wecker steht auf dem Nachttisch.My alarm clock is on the nightstand.
das RegalDie Trophäen stehen auf dem Regal.The trophies are on the shelf.
der SchaukelstuhlOma sitzt gerne im Schaukelstuhl.Grandma likes sitting in the rocking chair.
der SchrankDie Teller sind im Schrank.The plates are in the cupboard.
der SchreibtischIch arbeite jeden Tag an meinem Schreibtisch.I work at my desk every day.
der SchuhschrankDie Schuhe sind im Schuhschrank.The shoes are in the shoe cabinet.
der SesselEr liest ein Buch im Sessel.He is reading a book in the armchair.
das SofaDas Sofa ist groß und bequem.The sofa is large and comfortable.
der SpiegelSie schaut in den Spiegel.She looks in the mirror.
der StuhlEs gibt vier Stühle am Tisch.There are four chairs at the table.
der TischDer Tisch ist aus Holz.The table is made of wood.
die Truhe                                                                  Alte Fotos sind in der Truhe.Old photos are in the chest.
die VitrineDie Sammlung ist in der Vitrine ausgestellt.The collection is displayed in the display cabinet.

Test Your Knowledge with Our German Furniture Quiz

Ready to test your understanding of German furniture vocabulary? Take our interactive quiz to see how much you've learned.

Start the German Furniture Vocabulary Quiz here.

Practice with a Short Story Featuring German Furniture

Immerse yourself in a short story that incorporates the furniture vocabulary you've learned. Reading in context helps solidify your grasp of new terms and enhances comprehension.

Read the Short Story: here.


Expanding your German vocabulary with furniture terms not only enhances your language skills but also prepares you for real-life situations, such as furnishing a home or discussing interior design. Regular practice and exposure to these terms will improve your fluency and confidence in speaking German.

Continue to practice and revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen! (Good luck with your learning!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn German furniture vocabulary?

Learning furniture vocabulary is essential for everyday conversations, especially if you plan to live, work, or travel in German-speaking countries. It allows you to describe your living space, shop for furniture, and understand discussions about home decor.

Are these furniture terms commonly used in Germany?

Yes, these are common terms used in daily life in German-speaking countries. Knowing them will help you navigate conversations and understand written materials related to homes and furnishings.

Where can I find more advanced German learning resources?

Explore our website for additional grammar and vocabulary articles, quizzes, short stories. We cover various topics to help you reach proficiency in German.



Article by Niko

Published 09 Oct 2024