German Hobbies Vocabulary: List, Examples, Quiz & Short Story (A1-A2)

Woman sitting on a wooden platform taking photographs in a natural setting, illustrating German hobbies vocabulary for photography.

Introduction to German Hobbies Vocabulary

Hobbies are a great way to connect with others and share common interests. If you’re learning German at the A1-A2 level, expanding your vocabulary to include hobbies can enhance your conversational skills. This guide will introduce you to essential German words and phrases related to hobbies, complete with example sentences to help you use them in context.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to talk about your hobbies and ask others about theirs in German. We’ve also included a quiz to test your knowledge and a short story to help you practice reading in German.

Essential German Hobbies Vocabulary List

Below is a list of common hobbies in German, sorted alphabetically. Familiarize yourself with these words to expand your vocabulary and enhance your communication skills.

German Word English Translation
angeln to fish
backen to bake
basteln to do crafts
Brettspiele spielen to play board games
campen to camp
Computerspiele spielen to play computer games
das Hobby haben to have a hobby
fahren to drive (ride, etc.)
fotografieren to take photos
Freizeit haben to have free time
gärtnern to garden
joggen to jog
klettern to climb
kochen to cook
laufen to run
lesen to read
malen to paint
musizieren to make music
Rad fahren to ride a bike
reisen to travel
reiten to ride (a horse)
sammeln to collect
schreiben to write
schwimmen to swim
sich mit Freunden treffen to meet with friends
singen to sing
Ski fahren to ski
spielen to play
Sport treiben to do sports
surfen to surf
tanzen to dance
tauchen to dive
wandern to hike
zeichnen to draw

Example Sentences Using German Hobbies Vocabulary

Female singer performing on stage, representing terms from German hobbies vocabulary related to music and performing arts.
Explore German hobbies vocabulary through the lens of music and performing arts, as this singer captivates her audience.

To help you understand how to use these words in everyday conversations, here are some example sentences with English translations.

German Word German Example Sentence English Translation
angeln Am Wochenende gehe ich angeln. I go fishing on the weekend.
backen Meine Mutter liebt es zu backen. My mother loves to bake.
basteln Die Kinder basteln gerne mit Papier. The children like to do crafts with paper.
Brettspiele spielen Wir spielen abends Brettspiele. We play board games in the evenings.
campen Im Sommer gehen wir gerne campen. We like to go camping in the summer.
Computerspiele spielen Mein Bruder spielt oft Computerspiele. My brother often plays computer games.
das Hobby haben Hast du ein interessantes Hobby? Do you have an interesting hobby?
fahren Am Wochenende fahre ich Motorrad. I ride my motorcycle on the weekend.
fotografieren Er fotografiert gerne Landschaften. He likes to take photos of landscapes.
Freizeit haben In meiner Freizeit lese ich Bücher. I read books in my free time.
gärtnern Meine Großeltern gärtnern jeden Tag. My grandparents garden every day.
joggen Ich gehe morgens joggen. I go jogging in the morning.
klettern Sie klettert gerne auf Berge. She likes climbing mountains.
kochen Wir kochen zusammen Abendessen. We cook dinner together.
laufen Er läuft jeden Tag fünf Kilometer. He runs five kilometers every day.
lesen Sie liest gerne Romane. She likes reading novels.
malen Ich male ein Bild. I am painting a picture.
musizieren Die Band musiziert im Park. The band is making music in the park.
Rad fahren Wir fahren gern Rad. We like to ride bikes.
reisen Sie reist gerne um die Welt. She likes to travel around the world.
reiten Er reitet jedes Wochenende. He rides horses every weekend.
sammeln Ich sammle Briefmarken. I collect stamps.
schreiben Sie schreibt Geschichten. She writes stories.
schwimmen Wir gehen im See schwimmen. We go swimming in the lake.
sich mit Freunden treffen Am Freitag treffe ich mich mit Freunden. I meet with friends on Friday.
singen Er singt im Chor. He sings in the choir.
Ski fahren Im Winter gehen wir Ski fahren. We go skiing in the winter.
spielen Die Kinder spielen im Park. The children are playing in the park.
Sport treiben Er treibt viel Sport. He does a lot of sports.
surfen Ich möchte lernen zu surfen. I want to learn to surf.
tanzen Wir tanzen gerne Salsa. We like dancing salsa.
tauchen Sie taucht im Meer. She dives in the sea.
wandern Am Wochenende gehen wir wandern. We go hiking on the weekend.
zeichnen Er zeichnet ein Portrait. He is drawing a portrait.

Test Your Knowledge with Our German Hobbies Quiz

Ready to test your understanding of German hobbies vocabulary? Take our interactive quiz to see how much you’ve learned.

Start the German Hobbies Vocabulary Quiz: here.

Practice with a Short Story Featuring German Hobbies

Immerse yourself in a short story that incorporates the hobbies vocabulary you’ve learned. Reading in context helps solidify your grasp of new terms and enhances comprehension.

Read the Short Story: here.


Learning vocabulary related to hobbies allows you to share your interests and learn about others, making conversations more engaging and personal. Regular practice with these terms will improve your fluency and confidence in speaking German.

Continue to practice and revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Spaß beim Lernen! (Have fun learning!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn German vocabulary for hobbies?

Knowing how to talk about hobbies is essential for everyday conversations. It helps you connect with people by sharing common interests and makes your interactions more personal.

Are these hobby terms commonly used in Germany?

Yes, these are common activities people enjoy in German-speaking countries. Knowing them will help you engage in social conversations and understand others when they talk about their hobbies and free time.

Where can I find more German learning resources?

Check out our website for additional articles, vocabulary quizzes, and short stories.