German Home and Living Vocabulary: Full List, Examples, Quiz & Short Stories

German Home and Living Vocabulary: Full List, Examples, Quiz & Short Stories


Expanding your German vocabulary is essential for effective communication, especially when it comes to everyday topics like living and housing. Whether you're planning to rent an apartment in Berlin or simply want to talk about your home, knowing these key terms will boost your confidence in conversations.

In this article, we've compiled a list of essential German living vocabulary, complete with example sentences to show you how they're used in context. Plus, we've included a free quiz and short stories at different levels to help you practice what you've learned. Let's dive in!

German Home and Living Vocabulary List 

die Adressethe address
das Badezimmerthe bathroom
der Balkonthe balcony
das Dachthe roof
das Fensterthe window
der Flurthe corridor
der Gartenthe garden
das Hausthe house
die Küchethe kitchen
der Mieterthe tenant
die Mieterinthe tenant (female)
die Mietethe rent
mietento rent
das Schlafzimmerthe bedroom
die Treppethe stairs
die Türthe door
der Umzugthe move
umziehento move
der Vermieterthe landlord
das Wohnzimmerthe living room
die Wohnungthe flat
wohnento live
das Zimmerthe room

Using Home Vocabulary in Everyday Sentences

Modern living room interior representing German home and living vocabulary for German language learners
VocabularyGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
die AdresseDie neue Adresse ist leicht zu merken.The new address is easy to remember.
das BadezimmerWir renovieren das Badezimmer im Frühjahr.We are renovating the bathroom in spring.
der BalkonDer Balkon bietet einen herrlichen Ausblick.The balcony offers a magnificent view.
das DachDas Dach muss dringend repariert werden.The roof needs urgent repair.
das FensterÖffne das Fenster, es ist zu warm hier drinnen.Open the window, it's too warm inside.
der FlurIm Flur steht eine antike Kommode.There is an antique chest of drawers in the corridor.
der GartenDer Garten blüht im Sommer vollständig auf.The garden fully blooms in the summer.
das HausDas Haus wurde 1904 erbaut.The house was built in 1904.
die KücheDie Küche ist das Herz des Hauses.The kitchen is the heart of the home.
der MieterDer Mieter zahlt seine Miete immer pünktlich.The tenant always pays his rent on time.
die MieterinDie Mieterin hat sich über Lärm beschwert.The female tenant complained about noise.
die MieteDie Miete steigt jedes Jahr.The rent increases every year.
mietenWir möchten eine Wohnung mieten.We would like to rent an apartment.
das SchlafzimmerDas Schlafzimmer ist sehr geräumig.The bedroom is very spacious.
die TreppeDie Treppe knarrt bei jedem Schritt.The stairs creak with every step.
die TürDie Tür klemmt im Winter.The door jams in the winter.
der UmzugDer Umzug war anstrengender als erwartet.The move was more exhausting than expected.
umziehenNächstes Jahr werden wir nach Berlin umziehen.Next year, we will move to Berlin.
der VermieterDer Vermieter hat die Reparaturen versprochen.The landlord has promised the repairs.
das Wohnzimmer                       Das Wohnzimmer ist gemütlich eingerichtet.The living room is cozily furnished.
die WohnungDie Wohnung liegt im dritten Stock.The flat is on the third floor.
wohnenWir wohnen in einer ruhigen Gegend.We live in a quiet area.
das ZimmerDas Zimmer wird mein neues Büro.The room will be my new office.

Challenge Yourself with Our Free Vocabulary Quiz

Ready to test your knowledge? Practice German living vocabulary with our free quiz. Click here to start.

German Video Quiz: Looking for a Flat

Ready to test your German listening skills and expand your home and living vocabulary? Check out the interactive video quiz now and see how much you understand about finding a flat in Germany. Start the quiz: here.

Engage with Short Stories Featuring Housing Themes

Enhance your learning with our German short stories that incorporate the vocabulary you've just learned. Choose a story that matches your level:



Article by Niko

Published 19 Sep 2024