German Vocabulary for Education and Learning (A2-B1): List, Examples, and Quiz

German Vocabulary for Education and Learning (A2-B1): List, Examples, and Quiz

Introduction to German Vocabulary: Education and Learning

Expanding your German vocabulary in the realm of education and learning is important for intermediate learners (A2-B1 levels). Whether you're planning to study in a German-speaking country, engaging with German educational content, or simply interested in academic topics, knowing these terms will greatly enhance your communication skills and comprehension.

This guide presents a comprehensive list of German words related to education and learning, complete with example sentences and English translations. By the end of this article, you'll be better equipped to discuss educational topics in German confidently.

Key German Vocabulary for Education and Learning

Below is a list of essential German words and phrases related to education, sorted alphabetically. 

German WordEnglish Translation
die Ausbildungthe training
der Aufsatzthe essay
das Beispielthe example
die Bibliothekthe library
die Dozentin/der Dozentthe lecturer (female/male)
die Forschungthe research
die Grundschulethe primary school
die Hausaufgabethe homework
der Hochschulabschlussthe university degree
der Lehrer/die Lehrerinthe teacher (male/female)
das Lehrbuchthe textbook
lernento learn
die Notethe grade
die Oberschulethe secondary school
das Referatthe presentation
die Prüfungthe exam
das Schulfachthe school subject
der Schulabschlussthe school graduation
die Schulethe school
der Schüler/die Schülerinthe student (male/female)
der Schreibtischthe desk
der Testthe test
die Universitätthe university
der Unterrichtthe lesson
die Übungthe exercise
das Wörterbuchthe dictionary
die Weiterbildungthe further education
die Wissenschaftthe science
das Zeugnisthe report card

Example Sentences Using German Education Vocabulary

Female student with books and headphones, representing study habits for German vocabulary related to education and learning.

To help you understand how these words are used in context, here are some example sentences with their English translations.

German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
die AusbildungSie macht eine Ausbildung zur Krankenschwester.She is training to become a nurse.
der AufsatzIch muss einen Aufsatz über Umweltschutz schreiben.I have to write an essay about environmental protection.
das BeispielKannst du mir ein Beispiel geben?Can you give me an example?
die BibliothekDie Bibliothek ist bis 20 Uhr geöffnet.The library is open until 8 PM.
die Dozentin/der DozentDer Dozent hält heute eine Vorlesung.The lecturer is giving a lecture today.
die ForschungIhre Forschung konzentriert sich auf erneuerbare Energien.Her research focuses on renewable energies.
die GrundschuleMein Sohn geht in die Grundschule.My son attends primary school.
die HausaufgabeHast du die Hausaufgaben schon gemacht?Have you done the homework yet?
der Hochschulabschluss                                                                         Er hat seinen Hochschulabschluss in Informatik gemacht.He earned his university degree in computer science.
der Lehrer/die LehrerinDie Lehrerin erklärt die Grammatik sehr gut.The teacher explains the grammar very well.
das LehrbuchDas Lehrbuch kostet 30 Euro.The textbook costs 30 euros.
lernenIch lerne jeden Tag Deutsch.I study German every day.
die NoteSie hat eine gute Note in Mathe bekommen.She received a good grade in math.
die OberschuleNach der Grundschule geht er auf die Oberschule.After primary school, he goes to secondary school.
das ReferatIch halte ein Referat über deutsche Geschichte.I'm giving a presentation on German history.
die PrüfungDie Prüfung findet nächste Woche statt.The exam takes place next week.
das SchulfachMein Lieblingsschulfach ist Biologie.My favorite school subject is biology.
der SchulabschlussSie feiert ihren Schulabschluss im Juni.She is celebrating her school graduation in June.
die SchuleDie Schule beginnt um 8 Uhr morgens.School starts at 8 AM.
der Schüler/die SchülerinDie Schüler lernen für die Prüfungen.The students are studying for the exams.
der SchreibtischMein Schreibtisch ist voller Bücher.My desk is full of books.
der TestDer Test war schwieriger als erwartet.The test was more difficult than expected.
die UniversitätEr studiert an der Universität Berlin.He studies at the University of Berlin.
der UnterrichtDer Unterricht endet um 15 Uhr.The lesson ends at 3 PM.
die ÜbungDie Übung hilft, den Stoff besser zu verstehen.The exercise helps to understand the material better.
das WörterbuchIch benutze ein Wörterbuch, um neue Wörter zu lernen.I use a dictionary to learn new words.
die WeiterbildungSie macht eine Weiterbildung im Bereich Marketing.She is doing further education in the field of marketing.
die WissenschaftDie Wissenschaft entwickelt sich ständig weiter.Science is constantly evolving.
das ZeugnisSie hat ein sehr gutes Zeugnis bekommen.She received a very good report card.

Education and Learning Vocabulary Free Quiz

Think you're ready to test your understanding of German education vocabulary? Take our interactive quiz to see how much you've learned.

Start the German Education Vocabulary Quiz here.

Enhance Your Skills with a Short Story

Immerse yourself in a short story that incorporates the vocabulary you've learned. Reading in context will help reinforce your understanding and improve your retention.

Read the Short Story: Coming soon.


Expanding your vocabulary in the field of education and learning is a significant step towards fluency in German. It enables you to engage in conversations about academic topics, understand educational materials, and navigate educational settings in German-speaking countries.

Keep practicing and come back to this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen! (Good luck with your learning!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn German vocabulary for education and learning?

Learning this vocabulary helps you communicate effectively in academic settings, understand educational materials, and participate in discussions about learning and education in German.

Are these educational terms commonly used in Germany?

Yes, these terms are widely used in schools, universities, and other educational institutions across German-speaking countries.

Do you provide an overview of all vocabulary articles?

Yes, you can access it: here.

Where can I find more intermediate German learning resources?

Explore our website for more vocabulary articles and quizzes, and short stories. We offer a variety of resources to help you progress in your German language journey.


Article by Niko

Published 16 Oct 2024