Learn German Vocabulary for Shopping (A1-A2): List, Examples, and Quiz

Learn German Vocabulary for Shopping (A1-A2): List, Examples, and Quiz

Introduction to German Vocabulary: Shopping Essentials

Shopping is an integral part of daily life, and knowing the right vocabulary can make your experience in German-speaking countries much more enjoyable. Whether you're browsing in a boutique, haggling at a market, or simply picking up groceries, these essential German shopping terms will help you communicate effectively.

This beginner-friendly guide introduces key German words and phrases related to shopping, complete with example sentences and English translations. By the end of this article, you'll feel more confident navigating stores and markets in German.

Full German Shopping Vocabulary List

Below is a list of common German words you'll encounter while shopping, suitable for A1-A2 level learners. Familiarize yourself with these terms to enhance your shopping experiences and language skills.

German WordEnglish Translation
anprobierento try on
die Auswahlthe selection
das Bargeldthe cash
bezahlento pay
die Einkaufstaschethe shopping bag
der Einkaufswagenthe shopping cart
die Farbethe color
die Größethe size
das Geldthe money
das Geschäftthe shop
die Innenstadtthe downtown
kaufento buy
die Kassethe cashier
der Kunde/die Kundinthe customer (male/female)
die Kreditkartethe credit card
der Ladenthe store
der Marktthe market
der Preisthe price
die Quittungthe receipt
der Rabattthe discount
die Rechnungthe bill
das Schaufensterthe shop window
das Sonderangebotthe special offer
die Tütethe bag
umtauschento exchange
der Verkäufer/die Verkäuferinthe seller (male/female)
die Warethe goods

Example Sentences with German Shopping Vocabulary

A hand offering a credit card, demonstrating key German shopping vocabulary like 'die Kreditkarte' and 'bezahlen' during a purchase.

To help you see how these words are used in everyday situations, here are some example sentences with English translations.

German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
anprobierenIch möchte dieses Kleid anprobieren.I would like to try on this dress.
die AuswahlDer Laden hat eine große Auswahl an Schuhen.The store has a large selection of shoes.
das BargeldHaben Sie Bargeld oder zahlen Sie mit Karte?Do you have cash or are you paying by card?
bezahlenWo kann ich bezahlen?Where can I pay?
die EinkaufstascheVergiss nicht deine Einkaufstasche mitzubringen.Don't forget to bring your shopping bag.
der EinkaufswagenWir brauchen einen Einkaufswagen für die Lebensmittel.We need a shopping cart for the groceries.
die FarbeGibt es dieses Hemd in einer anderen Farbe?Is this shirt available in a different color?
die GrößeWelche Größe tragen Sie?What size do you wear?
das GeldIch habe genug Geld dabei.I have enough money with me.
das GeschäftDas Geschäft öffnet um 9 Uhr.The shop opens at 9 o'clock.
günstigDie Preise sind hier sehr günstig.The prices are very inexpensive here.
die InnenstadtIn der Innenstadt gibt es viele Geschäfte.There are many shops in the downtown area.
kaufenIch möchte ein Geschenk für meinen Freund kaufen.I want to buy a gift for my friend.
die KasseBitte zahlen Sie an der Kasse.Please pay at the cashier.
der Kunde/die KundinDer Kunde sucht nach einem bestimmten Buch.The customer is looking for a specific book.
die KreditkarteKann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?Can I pay with a credit card?
der LadenDer neue Laden hat gestern eröffnet.The new store opened yesterday.
der MarktWir kaufen frisches Obst auf dem Markt.We buy fresh fruit at the market.
der PreisDer Preis ist mir zu hoch.The price is too high for me.
die QuittungBrauchen Sie eine Quittung?Do you need a receipt?
der RabattGibt es einen Rabatt für Studenten?Is there a discount for students?
die RechnungDie Rechnung bitte.The bill, please.
reduziertDie Schuhe sind um 50% reduziert.The shoes are reduced by 50%.
das SchaufensterDie neuesten Produkte sind im Schaufenster ausgestellt.The latest products are displayed in the shop window.
das SonderangebotHeute gibt es viele Sonderangebote.There are many special offers today.
teuerDieses Kleid ist sehr teuer.This dress is very expensive.
die TüteMöchten Sie eine Tüte dazu?Would you like a bag with that?
umtauschenKann ich das Hemd umtauschen?Can I exchange this shirt?
der Verkäufer/die Verkäuferin                                                      Die Verkäuferin hilft dem Kunden.The saleswoman is helping the customer.
die WareDie Ware ist von hoher Qualität.The goods are of high quality.

Test Your Knowledge with Our Shopping Vocabulary Quiz

Ready to see how much you've learned? Take our interactive quiz to test your understanding of German shopping vocabulary.

Start the German Shopping Vocabulary Quiz: here.

Enhance Your Skills with a Short Story

Immerse yourself in a short story that uses the shopping vocabulary you've just learned. Reading in context helps reinforce your understanding and retention of new words.

Read the Short Story: Coming soon. 


Learning German vocabulary for shopping is a practical step towards improving your language skills, especially if you plan to visit or live in a German-speaking country. It enables you to navigate stores confidently, communicate your needs, and enjoy a more authentic shopping experience.

Keep practicing these words, and don't hesitate to revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Spaß beim Einkaufen! (Have fun shopping!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn German shopping vocabulary?

Knowing shopping vocabulary helps you navigate stores, markets, and transactions in German-speaking countries, making your shopping experiences smoother and more enjoyable.

Are these shopping terms commonly used in Germany?

Yes, these are everyday terms you'll encounter when shopping in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other German-speaking regions.

Where can I find an overview of all German vocabulary articles. 

For a comprehensive list of all German vocabulary articles, please visit this link: here.

Where can I find more German learning resources?

Visit our website for additional vocabulary articles, vocabulary quizzes, grammar articles and short stories


Article by Niko

Published 18 Oct 2024