German Weather Vocabulary for Beginners: Complete List, Example Sentences, Free Quiz & Short Story

German Weather Vocabulary for Beginners: Complete List, Example Sentences, Free Quiz & Short Story


Learning German weather vocabulary is practical for beginners looking to expand their language skills. Whether you're talking about the weather, planning an outdoor activity, or simply making small talk, knowing these terms will help you in everyday conversations. 

In this blog article, we’ve put together a list of key German weather words for A1-A2 learners, along with practical example sentences to show how they’re used in context. Plus, you can test your knowledge with a free quiz and a short story containing weather vocabulary. Let’s get started!

Essential German Weather Vocabulary for Beginners

der Blitzthe lightning
das Eisthe ice
das Gewitterthe thunderstorm
der Himmel the sky
die Hitze the heat
kalt cold
die Kältethe cold
der Nebel the fog
der Regen the rain
der Regenschirm the umbrella
der Schneethe snow
der Sonnenschein the sunshine
der Sturmthe storm
die Sonne the sun
die Temperaturthe temperature
warm warm
das Wetterthe weather
der Windthe wind

Practical Example Sentences for German Weather Vocabulary

Snow-covered mountain landscape with people enjoying winter weather, representing German weather vocabulary related to 'Schnee' and 'Kälte.'
Vocabulary                    German Example SentenceEnglish Translation
der BlitzDer Blitz schlug in den Baum ein.The lightning struck the tree.
das EisIm Winter ist der See mit Eis bedeckt.In winter, the lake is covered with ice.
das GewitterEin starkes Gewitter zieht über die Stadt.A strong thunderstorm is moving over the city.
heißDer Tee ist noch zu heiß zum Trinken.The tea is still too hot to drink.
der HimmelDer Himmel ist heute klar und blau.The sky is clear and blue today.
die HitzeDie Hitze ist im Sommer in der Stadt unerträglich.The heat is unbearable in the city during summer.
kaltDas Wasser ist sehr kalt.The water is very cold.
die KälteDie Kälte im Winter macht mich immer müde.The cold in winter always makes me tired.
der NebelDer Nebel ist so dicht, dass man kaum etwas sieht.The fog is so thick you can barely see anything.
der RegenDer Regen hat den ganzen Tag nicht aufgehört.The rain hasn’t stopped all day.
der RegenschirmVergiss nicht, deinen Regenschirm mitzunehmen.Don’t forget to take your umbrella.
der SchneeDer Schnee bedeckt die Straßen und Häuser.The snow covers the streets and houses.
der Sonnenschein                                         Wir genießen den Sonnenschein am Strand.We are enjoying the sunshine at the beach.
der SturmDer Sturm hat viele Bäume umgeweht.The storm knocked over many trees.
die SonneDie Sonne scheint den ganzen Tag.The sun is shining all day.
die TemperaturDie Temperatur ist heute auf 30 Grad gestiegen.The temperature rose to 30 degrees today.
warmDie Luft fühlt sich heute angenehm warm an.The air feels pleasantly warm today.
das WetterDas Wetter in den Bergen kann sich sehr schnell ändern.The weather in the mountains can change very quickly.
der WindDer Wind weht stark an der Küste.The wind is blowing strongly at the coast.

German Weather Vocabulary: Free Quiz for Beginners (A1-A2)

Looking to improve your weather vocabulary? Try our free quiz and see how much you know. Start practicing now: here

German Short Story for Beginners: A Day in the Park with Weather Vocabulary

Check out this short story written for A1-A2 learners, focusing on important weather vocabulary during a day in the park. It comes with 4 questions to help you test your comprehension. Read the story: here



Article by Niko

Published 13 Sep 2024