Learn German with an A1 Short Story About Traveling (Audio)

Woman listening to headphones symbolizing a German audio short story about traveling

Table of Contents

Short Story Vocabulary List

  1. reisen = to travel
  2. fahren = to go/drive
  3. schnell = fast
  4. einfach = easy
  5. besuchen = to visit
  6. gehen = to go
  7. besichtigen  = to visit (for sightseeing)
  8. spazieren = to walk
  9. essen = to eat
  10. probieren = to try
  11. planen = to plan
  12. sehen = to see

Listen to the German Short Story and Answer the Questions

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For which German Level is this Short Story?

This short story is for students with an A1 level.

Is there German Vocabulary to help Understanding the Short Story?

Yes, 12 words are translated into English in their base form.

Are there Questions to Answer?

Yes, the text comes with 4 questions, each offering options a, b, and c.