German Words for Emotions & Feelings: Adjectives, Verbs & Quiz (A2-B1)

Two friends jumping with joy at sunrise, representing excitement and happiness using German adjectives and verbs for emotions and feelings.

Table of Contents

Exploring German Adjectives and Verbs for Emotions and Feelings

Mastering the language of emotions is crucial for expressing yourself authentically in any language. For intermediate German learners (A2-B1 levels), expanding your vocabulary with adjectives and verbs related to emotions and feelings will significantly enhance your conversational skills. This comprehensive guide introduces essential German words that will help you articulate a wide range of emotions, from happiness to frustration. In this article, you’ll discover a curated list of German adjectives and verbs, complete with example sentences and English translations. We’ll also provide a quiz to test your knowledge and a short story to help you see these words in context.

Comprehensive List of German Adjectives and Verbs for Emotions

Here is a list of German adjectives and verbs related to emotions and feelings, sorted alphabetically.
German Word English Translation
aufgeregt excited
bedauern to regret
begeistert enthusiastic
beruhigen to calm down
enttäuscht disappointed
eifersüchtig jealous
einsam lonely
entspannt relaxed
frustriert frustrated
gelangweilt bored
glücklich happy
hassen to hate
hoffnungsvoll hopeful
lachen to laugh
lieben to love
nervös nervous
schüchtern shy
stolz proud
traurig sad
trösten to comfort
sich ärgern to be annoyed
sich freuen to be happy
sich Sorgen machen to worry
verliebt in love
verzweifelt desperate
weinen to cry
wütend angry
zufrieden content

Example Sentences Using German Emotion Vocabulary

Woman holding a smiley-face balloon, symbolizing happiness and positivity through German adjectives and verbs for emotions and feelings.
A cheerful woman with a smiley-face balloon—a fun way to practice German adjectives and verbs for expressing emotions and feelings.
To help you understand how these adjectives and verbs are used in context, here are some example sentences with their English translations.
German Word German Example Sentence English Translation
aufgeregt Er ist aufgeregt wegen seines ersten Arbeitstages. He is excited about his first day at work.
bedauern Ich bedauere meine Entscheidung. I regret my decision.
begeistert Sie ist von dem neuen Buch begeistert. She is enthusiastic about the new book.
beruhigen Der Lehrer versucht, die Schüler zu beruhigen. The teacher tries to calm down the students.
enttäuscht Wir waren über das Ergebnis enttäuscht. We were disappointed with the result.
eifersüchtig Er wird eifersüchtig, wenn sie mit anderen spricht. He gets jealous when she talks to others.
einsam In der neuen Stadt fühlt sie sich einsam. She feels lonely in the new city.
entspannt Nach dem Urlaub ist er sehr entspannt. He is very relaxed after the vacation.
frustriert Sie ist frustriert über die Situation. She is frustrated about the situation.
gelangweilt Die Kinder sind gelangweilt und wollen spielen. The children are bored and want to play.
glücklich Er fühlt sich glücklich mit seinem Leben. He feels happy with his life.
hassen Sie hasst es, früh aufzustehen. She hates getting up early.
hoffnungsvoll Wir sind hoffnungsvoll für die Zukunft. We are hopeful for the future.
lachen Die Freunde lachen über den Witz. The friends are laughing at the joke.
lieben Er sagt, dass er sie liebt. He says that he loves her.
nervös Vor der Prüfung ist sie nervös. She is nervous before the exam.
schüchtern Das Kind ist schüchtern und spricht wenig. The child is shy and speaks little.
stolz Sie sind stolz auf ihre Leistungen. They are proud of their achievements.
traurig Er ist traurig über den Verlust seines Hundes. He is sad about the loss of his dog.
trösten Sie versucht, ihn zu trösten. She tries to comfort him.
sich ärgern Ich ärgere mich über den Stau. I’m annoyed about the traffic jam.
sich freuen Wir freuen uns auf das Wochenende. We are happy about the weekend.
sich Sorgen machen Eltern machen sich Sorgen um ihre Kinder. Parents worry about their children.
verliebt Die beiden sind verliebt ineinander. The two are in love with each other.
verzweifelt Er ist verzweifelt auf der Suche nach Arbeit. He is desperately looking for work.
weinen Das Baby beginnt zu weinen. The baby starts to cry.
wütend Sie ist wütend über die Verspätung. She is angry about the delay.
zufrieden Er ist zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis. He is content with the result.

Test Your Knowledge with Our Emotions Vocabulary Quiz

Think you’ve mastered these German adjectives and verbs? Challenge yourself with our interactive quiz to see how much you’ve learned. Start the Emotions Vocabulary Quiz here.

Wrapping Up

Expanding your German vocabulary with adjectives and verbs related to emotions and feelings is an important step toward fluency. It allows you to express yourself more authentically and understand others on a deeper level. Regular practice and exposure to these words will enhance your confidence and proficiency in German. Keep practicing and revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen! (Good luck with your learning!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is learning German emotion vocabulary important?

Knowing how to express emotions accurately enriches your communication and helps you connect with others more meaningfully. It also enhances your understanding of German literature, films, and conversations.

Is there a German emotion and feelings vocabulary list for nouns?

The complete list is available here.

Where can I find more intermediate German learning resources?

Explore our website for more vocabulary articles, vocabulary quizzes, and short stories to help you improve your German easier.