German Nouns Vocabulary for Emotions and Feelings: List, Examples, Quiz, and Short Story (A2-B1)

German Nouns Vocabulary for Emotions and Feelings: List, Examples, Quiz, and Short Story (A2-B1)

Introduction to German Vocabulary: Emotions and Feelings

Understanding and expressing emotions is a fundamental aspect of communication in any language. For intermediate German learners (A2-B1 levels),expanding your vocabulary to include nouns related to emotions and feelings will enhance your ability to engage in more meaningful conversations. This guide will introduce you to essential German nouns that describe a wide range of emotions, from joy to anger, and provide you with example sentences to see them in context.

By the end of this article, you'll be better equipped to express your feelings in German and understand others when they share theirs. We've also included a quiz to test your knowledge and a short story to help you practice reading comprehension.

List of German Nouns for Emotions and Feelings

Below is a curated list of German nouns related to emotions and feelings, sorted alphabetically. Familiarize yourself with these words to enrich your vocabulary and improve your fluency.

German WordEnglish Translation
der Ärgerthe anger
die Angstthe fear
die Aufregungthe excitement
die Begeisterungthe enthusiasm
die Dankbarkeitthe gratitude
die Eifersuchtthe jealousy
die Einsamkeitthe loneliness
die Enttäuschungthe disappointment
die Erleichterungthe relief
die Freudethe joy
die Gelassenheitthe calmness
das Glückthe happiness
der Hassthe hatred
die Hoffnungthe hope
die Liebethe love
das Mitgefühlthe compassion
der Mutthe courage
die Neugierthe curiosity
der Neidthe envy
die Schamthe shame
der Stolzthe pride
die Trauerthe grief
das Vertrauenthe trust
die Verlegenheitthe embarrassment
die Verzweiflungthe despair
die Wutthe fury
die Zufriedenheitthe contentment
der Zornthe rage

Example Sentences with German Emotions and Feelings Vocabulary

Joyful woman enjoying the sunrise, expressing happiness example of German feelings vocabulary.

To help you understand how these nouns are used in context, here are example sentences along with their English translations.

German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
der ÄrgerSein Ärger war deutlich zu spüren.His anger was palpable.
die AngstSie hat Angst vor Spinnen.She is afraid of spiders.
die AufregungDie Aufregung vor dem Konzert war groß.The excitement before the concert was great.
die BegeisterungSeine Begeisterung für Musik ist ansteckend.His enthusiasm for music is contagious.
die DankbarkeitWir spürten tiefe Dankbarkeit für ihre Hilfe.We felt deep gratitude for their help.
die EifersuchtEifersucht kann Beziehungen zerstören.Jealousy can destroy relationships.
die EinsamkeitIn der neuen Stadt fühlte er Einsamkeit.He felt loneliness in the new city.
die EnttäuschungDie Enttäuschung war ihr ins Gesicht geschrieben.The disappointment was written on her face.
die Erleichterung                              Nach der Prüfung spürte er große Erleichterung.He felt great relief after the exam.
die FreudeDie Freude über das Geschenk war riesig.The joy over the gift was immense.
die GelassenheitMit großer Gelassenheit meisterte sie die Situation.She handled the situation with great calmness.
das GlückGlück ist für jeden etwas anderes.Happiness means something different to everyone.
der HassHass führt nur zu mehr Problemen.Hatred only leads to more problems.
die HoffnungDie Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.Hope dies last.
die LiebeLiebe ist das schönste Gefühl.Love is the most beautiful feeling.
das MitgefühlSie zeigte Mitgefühl für seine Situation.She showed compassion for his situation.
der MutEs erfordert Mut, neue Wege zu gehen.It takes courage to walk new paths.
die NeugierNeugier treibt uns an, mehr zu lernen.Curiosity drives us to learn more.
der NeidNeid ist eine negative Emotion.Envy is a negative emotion.
die SchamEr fühlte Scham über seinen Fehler.He felt shame about his mistake.
der StolzSie erfüllt ihre Arbeit mit Stolz.She carries out her work with pride.
die TrauerDie Trauer war groß nach dem Verlust.The grief was immense after the loss.
das VertrauenVertrauen ist die Basis jeder Beziehung.Trust is the foundation of every relationship.
die VerlegenheitIhre Verlegenheit war offensichtlich.Her embarrassment was obvious.
die VerzweiflungIn seiner Verzweiflung wusste er nicht weiter.In his despair, he didn't know what to do.
die WutDie Wut ließ ihn unüberlegt handeln.The fury made him act rashly.
die ZufriedenheitZufriedenheit ist der Schlüssel zum Glück.Contentment is the key to happiness.
der ZornSein Zorn verflog schnell.His rage dissipated quickly.

Free Emotions Vocabulary Quiz

Think you're ready to put your new vocabulary to the test? Take our interactive quiz to see how well you've mastered these German nouns for emotions and feelings.

Begin the Emotions Vocabulary Quiz here.

Improve Your Learning with a Short Story

Immerse yourself in a short story that incorporates the emotions vocabulary you've learned. Reading in context will help reinforce your understanding and retention of these new words.

Read the Short Story: "coming soon"


Expanding your German vocabulary to include nouns related to emotions and feelings is a significant step towards fluency. It enables you to express yourself more deeply and understand others on a more profound level. Regular practice with these terms will enhance your communication skills and confidence in speaking German.

Keep practicing and revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen! (Good luck with your learning!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is it important to learn German vocabulary for emotions and feelings?

Understanding and expressing emotions is crucial for meaningful communication. Learning these nouns allows you to convey your feelings accurately and understand others better, enhancing your overall language proficiency.

Do you offer a vocabulary list of German adjectives and verbs for Emotions and Feelings?

Yes, you can acess the full list: here.

Where can I find more German learning resources?

Visit our website for additional vocabulary articles, vocabulary quizzes, and short stories


Article by Niko

Published 14 Oct 2024