German Café and Restaurant Vocabulary: A1-B1 List with Examples, Quiz & Short Story

German Café and Restaurant Vocabulary: A1-B1 List with Examples, Quiz & Short Story

Introduction to German Vocabulary for Cafés and Restaurants

Whether you're ordering a coffee, requesting the bill, or booking a table, having the right vocabulary is important for navigating cafés and restaurants in German-speaking regions. This guide is written for intermediate learners (A1-B1) looking to broaden their vocabulary and engage in dining scenarios.

In this article, you'll discover a list of essential German words for cafés and restaurants, covering nouns, verbs, and adjectives. To help you understand their practical use, we’ve included example sentences, along with links to a quizz and a short story that will deepen your learning experience.

Essential German Vocabulary for Cafés and Restaurants

Here, you’ll find a selection of key German vocabulary related to cafés and restaurants. The terms are sorted alphabetically by the German words (without articles). 

German WordEnglish Translation
abholento pick up (takeaway)
das Abendessenthe dinner
bestellento order
das Besteckthe cutlery
das Brötchenthe bread roll
die Bedienungthe service
die Bestellungthe order
das Frühstückthe breakfast
das Gerichtthe dish (meal)
das Getränkthe drink
die Gabelthe fork
der Kaffeethe coffee
der Kellnerthe waiter
die Kellnerinthe waitress
der Kuchenthe cake
der Löffelthe spoon
das Messerthe knife
das Mittagessenthe lunch
die Nachspeisethe dessert
die Quittungthe receipt
die Rechnungthe bill
reservierento reserve
die Speisekartethe menu
der Teethe tea
der Tischthe table
das Trinkgeld                  the tip
trinkento drink
die Vorspeisethe appetizer
das Wasserthe water
wartento wait
zahlento pay

Example Sentences for Cafés and Restaurants Vocabulary

Modern German café and restaurant interior with glass walls, showcasing vocabulary for dining in German-speaking countries.

To help you practice these vocabulary words in real-life situations, here are some sample sentences:

German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
abholenIch werde das Essen abholen.I will pick up the food.
das AbendessenWir genießen ein gemütliches Abendessen.We are enjoying a cozy dinner.
bestellenWir möchten zwei Pizzen bestellen.We would like to order two pizzas.
das BesteckDas Besteck liegt neben dem Teller.The cutlery is next to the plate.
das BrötchenZum Frühstück esse ich ein Brötchen.For breakfast, I eat a bread roll.
die BedienungDie Bedienung ist heute sehr freundlich.The service is very friendly today.
die BestellungUnsere Bestellung ist noch nicht angekommen.Our order hasn't arrived yet.
das FrühstückDas Frühstück wird von 7 bis 10 Uhr serviert.Breakfast is served from 7 to 10 am.
das GerichtDas heutige Spezialgericht ist Lachs.Today's special dish is salmon.
das GetränkWelches Getränk möchten Sie bestellen?Which drink would you like to order?
die GabelIch habe meine Gabel fallen gelassen.I dropped my fork.
der KaffeeIch hätte gern einen schwarzen Kaffee.I would like a black coffee.
der KellnerDer Kellner bringt uns das Essen.The waiter is bringing us the food.
die KellnerinDie Kellnerin nimmt unsere Bestellung auf.The waitress is taking our order.
der KuchenDer Kuchen schmeckt sehr gut.The cake tastes very good.
der LöffelIch brauche einen Löffel für die Suppe.I need a spoon for the soup.
das MesserDas Messer ist nicht scharf genug.The knife is not sharp enough.
das Mittagessen                                 Wir treffen uns zum Mittagessen.We are meeting for lunch.
die NachspeiseMöchten Sie eine Nachspeise bestellen?Would you like to order a dessert?
die QuittungKönnen Sie mir bitte die Quittung geben?Can you please give me the receipt?
die RechnungKönnen wir bitte die Rechnung haben?Could we have the bill, please?
reservierenWir möchten einen Tisch für vier Personen reservieren.We would like to reserve a table for four people.
die SpeisekarteKönnten wir bitte die Speisekarte haben?Could we please have the menu?
der TeeIch trinke gerne grünen Tee.I like to drink green tea.
der TischUnser Tisch ist am Fenster.Our table is by the window.
das TrinkgeldWir geben immer ein Trinkgeld.We always leave a tip.
trinkenWas möchten Sie trinken?What would you like to drink?
die VorspeiseAls Vorspeise nehme ich die Suppe.For the appetizer, I'll have the soup.
vegetarischHaben Sie vegetarische Gerichte?Do you have vegetarian dishes?
das WasserIch hätte gern ein Glas Wasser, bitte.I would like a glass of water, please.
wartenWir müssen auf einen freien Tisch warten.We have to wait for a free table.
zahlenWir möchten jetzt zahlen.We would like to pay now.

Test Your German Café and Restaurant Vocabulary with Our Quiz

Want to put your knowledge to the test? Try our free quiz and find out how familiar you are with café and restaurant vocabulary: here.

Learn with a Short Story

You can check out a short story here and see the vocabulary in action!

  • Intermediate Level Story: here.


Building up your German vocabulary for cafés and restaurants can really elevate your dining experiences in German-speaking regions. With the right words, you'll feel more confident interacting with staff, reading menus, and soaking up the local food culture. Practicing these terms regularly will boost your fluency and make each visit even more enjoyable.

Keep practicing, and feel free to come back to this guide anytime you need a quick refresher. Viel Spaß beim Lernen! (Enjoy your learning!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn German vocabulary for cafés and restaurants?

Learning this vocabulary enables you to navigate dining situations confidently in German-speaking countries. You'll be able to order food, make reservations, and interact with staff more effectively.

How can I practice using these new vocabulary words?

Practice by creating your own sentences, role-playing dining scenarios, taking our quiz, and reading the short stories provided. Consistent practice helps reinforce your learning.

Where can I find more resources for intermediate German learners?

Explore our website for additional articles, quizzes, and short stories. 



Article by Niko

Published 04 Oct 2024