Master German Sports Vocabulary (B1): List, Examples, Free Quiz, and Short Stories

Master German Sports Vocabulary (B1): List, Examples, Free Quiz, and Short Stories


Enhancing your German vocabulary in the realm of sports is a great way to engage in conversations about hobbies, fitness, and current events. This comprehensive guide is designed for intermediate (B1) learners and includes a carefully curated list of nouns, verbs, and adjectives related to sports. You'll find example sentences to help you understand how to use these terms in context, as well as links to quizzes and short stories to further enrich your learning experience.

Whether you're a sports enthusiast or just looking to expand your German vocabulary, this guide will equip you with the essential terms and phrases needed to discuss sports confidently and effectively.

Comprehensive German Sports Vocabulary List

Below is a comprehensive list of German sports vocabulary, including nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The list is sorted alphabetically based on the German words (ignoring articles). Use this list to familiarize yourself with common sports-related terms.

German WordEnglish Translation
aktiv active
anstrengend exhausting
das Ausdauertraining endurance training
begeistert enthusiastic
boxen to box
die Bewegung the movement
der Fitnessraum the gym, fitness room
Fußball spielen to play football
die Fußballmannschaft the football team
gesund healthy
die Gesundheit health
der Hochsprung the high jump
joggen to jog
das Joggen the jogging
die Kondition the fitness, condition
der Mannschaftssport the team sport
die Medaille the medal
der Sportler the athlete (male)
die Sportlerin the athlete (female)
die Sportart the type of sport
der Sportplatz the sports field
die Sportveranstaltung the sporting event
der Sportverein the sports club
sportlich athletic
schwimmen to swim
der Tennisschläger tennis racket
das Training training
trainieren to train
turnen to do gymnastics
die Verletzung injury
wandern to hike
werfen to throw

Example Sentences Using German Sports Vocabulary

Woman practicing yoga outdoors - Learn German sports vocabulary related to fitness, yoga, and wellness. Ideal for B1 learners

Here are example sentences to help you understand how to use these vocabulary words in context.

German WordGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
aktiv Sie ist sehr aktiv und treibt viel Sport.She is very active and does a lot of sports.
anstrengend Das Training war heute sehr anstrengend.The training was very exhausting today.
das Ausdauertraining                                              Ich mache dreimal pro Woche Ausdauertraining.I do endurance training three times a week.
begeistert Er ist begeistert vom neuen Fitnessprogramm.He is enthusiastic about the new fitness program.
boxen Seit einem Jahr lernt sie das Boxen.She has been learning to box for a year.
die BewegungRegelmäßige Bewegung ist wichtig für die Gesundheit.Regular exercise is important for health.
der Fitnessraum Der Fitnessraum ist mit modernen Geräten ausgestattet.The gym is equipped with modern machines.
Fußball spielen Wir treffen uns am Samstag, um Fußball zu spielen.We are meeting on Saturday to play football.
die Fußballmannschaft Unsere Fußballmannschaft hat das Spiel gewonnen.Our football team won the game.
gesund Eine gesunde Ernährung ist wichtig für Sportler.A healthy diet is important for athletes.
die Gesundheit Sport treiben fördert die Gesundheit.Doing sport promotes good health.
der Hochsprung Sie trainiert für den Hochsprung-Wettbewerb.She is training for the high jump competition.
joggenEr geht jeden Morgen im Park joggen.He goes jogging in the park every morning.
das Joggen Joggen am Morgen erfrischt den Geist.Jogging in the morning refreshes the mind.
die Kondition Er hat eine hervorragende Kondition.He has excellent fitness.
der Mannschaftssport Mannschaftssport stärkt den Teamgeist.Team sports strengthen team spirit.
die Medaille Sie hat eine goldene Medaille gewonnen.She won a gold medal.
der Sportler Der Sportler bereitet sich auf den Wettkampf vor.The athlete is preparing for the competition.
die Sportlerin Die Sportlerin hat einen neuen Rekord aufgestellt.The female athlete set a new record.
die Sportart Fußball ist die beliebteste Sportart in Deutschland.Football is the most popular sport in Germany.
der Sportplatz Wir treffen uns um 16 Uhr auf dem Sportplatz.We meet at 4pm on the sports field.
die Sportveranstaltung Die Sportveranstaltung zieht viele Zuschauer an.The sporting event attracts many spectators.
der Sportverein Er ist Mitglied in einem Sportverein.He is a member of a sports club.
sportlich Er ist sehr sportlich und spielt Tennis.He is very athletic and plays tennis.
schwimmenTina schwimmt jeden Dienstag.Tina swims every Tuesday.
der Tennisschläger Ich habe meinen Tennisschläger vergessen.I forgot my tennis racket.
das Training Das Training beginnt um 18 Uhr.The training starts at 6 PM.
trainierenWir trainieren jeden Tag für den Marathon.We train every day for the marathon.
turnen Die Kinder turnen in der Turnhalle.The children are doing gymnastics in the gymnasium.
die Verletzung Nach seiner Verletzung musste er pausieren.After his injury, he had to take a break.
wandern Am Wochenende gehen wir gern wandern.We like to go hiking on the weekends.
werfen Er kann den Ball weit werfen.He can throw the ball far.

Test Your Knowledge with Our Free Sports Vocabulary Quiz

Ready to test your understanding of German sports vocabulary? Take our quiz to see how much you've learned.

Start the German Sports Vocabulary Quiz  here.

Enhance Your Learning with German Short Stories About Sports

Immerse yourself in engaging short stories that incorporate the sports vocabulary you've learned. Reading stories in German helps improve comprehension and retention.

  • Beginners (A1-A2): here
  • Intermediate Level Story: here


Expanding your German sports vocabulary not only enhances your language skills but also allows you to engage more deeply with German culture and conversations. Regular practice and exposure to these terms will build your confidence in discussing sports-related topics.

Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Erfolg! (Good luck!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn German sports vocabulary?

Learning sports vocabulary enables you to discuss hobbies, fitness, and events, making conversations more engaging and authentic. It's especially useful if you're interested in German sports culture or planning to participate in sports activities in German-speaking countries.

How can I practice using these new vocabulary words?

You can practice by creating your own sentences, engaging in conversations with native speakers, taking our quizz, and reading the short stories provided. Consistent practice helps reinforce your learning.

Where can I find more resources for intermediate German learners?

Explore our website for additional blog articles, quizzes, and stories tailored to intermediate learners. Topics range from grammar and vocabulary to listening and reading comprehension.



Article by Niko

Published 29 Sep 2024