German Vocabulary for Plans and Wishes: List, Examples & Quiz

Person writing plans in a notebook, illustrating German vocabulary for plans and wishes, including der Wunsch (wish) and der Plan (plan).

Introduction to German Vocabulary on Plans and Wishes

Expressing your plans and wishes is a fundamental part of communication in any language. In German, having the right vocabulary allows you to share your goals, aspirations, and desires effectively. This comprehensive guide is designed for intermediate learners who want to expand their German vocabulary related to plans and wishes.

In this article, you’ll find a list of essential German words, including nouns, verbs, and adjectives. We’ve also provided example sentences to help you understand how to use these words in context. Additionally, you’ll have access to quizzes and short stories to enhance your learning experience.

Comprehensive German Vocabulary List for Plans and Wishes

Below is a list of German vocabulary words related to plans and wishes. The words are sorted alphabetically based on the German terms (ignoring articles).

German Word English Translation
abnehmen to lose weight
die Absicht the intention
anfangen to begin, to start
der Beruf the profession
die Chance the chance
entscheiden to decide
erreichen to achieve
hoffen to hope
das Interesse the interest
lernen to learn
planen to plan
der Plan the plan
die Reise the journey, trip
schaffen to manage, to accomplish
träumen to dream
der Traum the dream
überlegen to consider
verlieren to lose
versuchen to try, to attempt
vorhaben to intend, to plan
wünschen to wish
der Wunsch the wish
zielstrebig determined
das Ziel the goal
zufrieden content, satisfied

Example Sentences Using German Vocabulary on Plans and Wishes

Money jar labeled 'Where to Next' representing German vocabulary for plans and wishes, such der Traum (dream).

Explore German vocabulary for plans and wishes with this inspiring image of a money jar for dreams and future goals, featuring words like der Traum (dream).

Here are example sentences to help you understand how to use these vocabulary words in context.

German Word German Example Sentence English Translation
abnehmen Ich möchte bis zum Sommer fünf Kilo abnehmen. I want to lose five kilos by summer.
die Absicht Sie hat die Absicht, ein Haus zu kaufen. She has the intention to buy a house.
anfangen Er fängt nächste Woche einen neuen Job an. He is starting a new job next week.
der Beruf Mein Traumberuf ist es, Arzt zu werden. My dream profession is to be a doctor.
die Chance Das ist meine Chance, eine schöne Reise zu machen. This is my chance to take a nice trip.
entscheiden Tom kann sich nicht entscheiden, welches Auto er kaufen soll. Tom can’t decide which car to buy.
erreichen Sie hat ihr Ziel erreicht. She has achieved her goal.
hoffen Wir hoffen auf gutes Wetter. We are hoping for good weather.
das Interesse                                         Er zeigt großes Interesse an Kunst. He shows great interest in art.
lernen Ich lerne Deutsch, um in Deutschland zu arbeiten. I’m learning German to work in Germany.
planen Wir planen eine Reise nach Spanien. We are planning a trip to Spain.
der Plan Mein Plan ist es, ein eigenes Geschäft zu eröffnen. My plan is to open my own business.
die Reise Die Reise nach Japan war ein großer Wunsch von Tina. The trip to Japan was a big wish of Tina’s.
schaffen Wenn wir zusammenarbeiten, schaffen wir es. If we work together, we’ll manage it.
träumen Er träumt davon, ein Buch zu schreiben. He dreams of writing a book.
der Traum Es ist mein Traum, einmal um die Welt zu reisen. It’s my dream to travel around the world.
überlegen Tim muss sich das Angebot noch einmal überlegen. Tim has to reconsider the offer.
verlieren Sie will keine Zeit verlieren. She doesn’t want to waste any time.
versuchen Sie versucht, jeden Tag zu joggen. She tries to jog every day.
vorhaben Was hast du am Wochenende vor? What are you planning for the weekend?
wünschen Er wünscht sich ein neues Fahrrad. He wishes for a new bicycle.
der Wunsch Toms größter Wunsch ist eine gute Gesundheit. Tom’s greatest wish is good health.
zielstrebig Sie ist sehr zielstrebig und gibt nie auf. She is very determined and never gives up.
das Ziel Unser Ziel ist es, die Prüfung zu bestehen. Our goal is to pass the exam.
zufrieden Lena ist zufrieden mit ihrem Leben. Lena is happy with her life.

Test Your Knowledge with Our Free Plans and Wishes Vocabulary Quiz

Ready to test your understanding of the vocabulary related to plans and wishes? Take our interactive quiz to see how much you’ve learned.

Start the German Plans and Wishes Vocabulary Quiz: here.

Enhance Your Learning with German Short Stories on Plans and Wishes

Immerse yourself in engaging short stories that incorporate the vocabulary you’ve learned. Reading stories in German helps improve comprehension and retention.


Expanding your German vocabulary on plans and wishes enables you to express your aspirations more effectively and engage in deeper conversations. Regular practice with these terms will enhance your fluency and confidence in the language.

Keep practicing, and don’t hesitate to revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Erfolg! (Good luck!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn German vocabulary related to plans and wishes?

Learning this vocabulary allows you to express your goals, dreams, and intentions in German. It’s helpful for personal conversations, professional settings, and when discussing future plans.

Where can I find more resources for intermediate German learners?

Explore our website for additional grammar and vocabulary blog articles, quizzes, and short stories.

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