German Past Perfect Tense Quiz: Practice the Past Perfect in German with This Free Test!
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How can I beginn the Test?
To start the test, you can scroll the at the bottom of the page.
What do I need to do in these exercises?
In these exercises you can choose between the correct form of "waren" and "hatten".
What is the Past Perfect Tense in German?
The German past perfect tense (Plusquamperfekt) expresses an event or action which took place before a past event. It is mostly used in the written language. You can read in detail information about this tense: here.
When to use "waren" or "hatten" for the Plusquamperfekt?
Waren is needed in case that the verb needs the form of sein (to be) in the German simple present perfect. We use sein if there is a locomotion (to swim, run, etc.) or a change of a condition (wake up, get up). Addionlally the verbs of to happen (passieren/geschehen) also come with the form of sein. All other verbs need to use a form of haben. You can read more detailed information about this topic and the German Perfect Tense: here.