Why Should You Learn the German Past Perfect?
The Plusquamperfekt (past perfect tense) is essential for describing actions that happened before another past event. It helps structure narratives, formal writing, and conversations, making it a key tense for expressing time sequences in German.
While it may seem challenging at first, it follows clear, logical rules. This guide will show you how to form and use the past perfect with simple explanations and practical examples.
What Is the German Past Perfect Tense?
The Plusquamperfekt describes actions that were completed before another past event, usually before the simple past (Präteritum). It is commonly used in storytelling, historical writing, and formal speech to indicate what had already happened before another action.
Similar to the English, it clarifies past sequences and adds depth to descriptions. Understanding how to use the Plusquamperfekt correctly will improve both your writing and speaking skills. In the next sections, you’ll learn how to form this tense, when to use it, and how it compares to other German past tenses.
Using Haben and Sein to Form the Plusquamperfekt
To construct the Plusquamperfekt (past perfect tense), you need one of two auxiliary verbs: haben (to have) or sein (to be). The choice between these depends on the main verb. Typically, haben is used with most verbs, while sein is required for verbs that indicate movement or a change of state (like gehen – to go or werden – to become).
The structure follows this pattern:
- Auxiliary Verb in the Simple Past: Use the past form of haben or sein.
- Past Participle of the Main Verb: Place the past participle at the end of the sentence.
This tense is similar to the English past perfect, indicating that an action had already been completed before another took place.
Ich hatte das Buch gelesen – I had read the book.
Here, the auxiliary verb hatte (had) is in the simple past, followed by the past participle gelesen (read).
Conjugation of German Verbs in Past Perfect Tense
The Plusquamperfekt is formed together with the simple past of the verbs “haben” or “sein” and a past participle (Partizip 2) at the end of the sentence. The choice between “haben” or “sein” follows the same rules as for the Perfekt. In general, “haben” is used more, while verbs indicating locomotion (to swim, run etc.) or change of state use “sein”.
- ich hatte = I had
- du hattest = you had
- er, sie es hatte = he, she, it had
- wir hatten = we had
- ihr hattet = you (plural) had
- sie, Sie hatten = they, you (formal) had
German | English |
Ich hatte das Geschenk gekauft. | I had bought the gift. |
Du hattest das Geschenk gekauft. | You had bought the gift. |
Er, sie, es hatte das Geschenk gekauft. | He, she, it had bought the gift. |
Wir hatten das Geschenk gekauft. | We had bought the gift. |
Ihr hattet das Geschenk gekauft. | You (plural) had bought the gift. |
Sie, Sie hatten das Geschenk gekauft. | They, you (formal) had bought the gift. |
- ich war = I was
- du warst = you were
- er, sie, es war = he, she, it was
- wir waren = we were
- ihr wart = you (plural) were
- sie, Sie waren = they, you (formal) were
German | English |
Ich war nach Hause gegangen. | I had gone home. |
Du warst nach Hause gegangen. | You had gone home. |
Er, sie, es war nach Hause gegangen. | He, she, it had gone home. |
Wir waren nach Hause gegangen. | We had gone home. |
Ihr wart nach Hause gegangen. | You (plural) had gone home. |
Sie, Sie waren nach Hause gegangen. | They, you (formal) had gone home. |
Forming the Past Participle
The past participle of the verb is formed in the same way like for the present perfect.
For weak verbs you ad a ge– in front of the verb stem and a “t” at the end of the verb stem.
lernen – gelernt
- Ich hatte für die Prüfung gelernt. I had studied for the exam.
For strong verbs the past perfect is formed like in the present perfect tense which means that the vowel changes.
- Der Junge hatte die Antwort nicht gewusst. The boy didn’t know the answer.
Mixed verbs are also irregular verbs but the ending is with en.
- Die Familie hatte in einem guten Restaurant gegessen. The family had eaten in a good restaurant.
How to Use the Past Perfect tense in German
Describing events before a specific point in time: Primarily it is used to describe actions that took place before a specific point in the past, especially when narrating past events or telling a story.
Contrasting Past Perfect with Simple Past and Perfekt: Understanding the differences between the past perfect, simple past, and present perfect tenses in German is crucial for learners. All tenses have their unique usage and context. The simple past describes a completed action in the past and the present perfect an event or action that recently happened. You can read more about the all German tenses: here.
Signal Words for the Plusquamperfekt
Identifying Key Phrases and Words Certain words and phrases, like “nachdem” (after), “als” (when), “bevor” (before), and “bis” (until) often signal often the usage of this tense in German. Recognizing these can help in understanding and forming correct sentences.
- Nachdem der Junge die Aufgabe gemacht hatte, ging er in den Park. After the boy had completed the task, he went to the park.
- Bevor der Student das Essen kochte, war er in den Supermarkt gegangen. Before the student cooked the meal, he had gone to the supermarket.
The Role of German past perfect tense in Spoken vs Written German
Differences in Usage The past perfect tense is used mostly in the written language. The Plusquamperfekt is less frequently used in spoken German than in written German, especially in literature. It adds a nuance of an event that was completed in the past before another event happened.
In spoken informal German it is used not as much and mostly to make clear that an event or action is very long ago. Often additional words like “lange Zeit” (long time), “ewig (eternal)” are added to to underline the long time.
- Wir hatten lange nicht mehr in diesem Restaurant gegessen. We hadn’t eaten in this restaurant for a long time.
- Ihr hattet uns lange nicht mehr besucht. You hadn’t visited us for a long time.
German Past Perfect Tense Free Quiz
Would you like to test your knowledge about the Past Perfect in German? Then have a look at out newest quiz: here.
Summary and Key Takeaways
- The past perfect (Plusquamperfekt) in German is used to describe actions that occurred before a specific point in the past.
- It is formed using the simple past form of ‘haben’ or ‘sein’ and the past participle of the main verb.
- Understanding the difference between regular and irregular verb conjugations in this tense is crucial.
- Signal words like ‘als’, ‘bevor’, and ‘bis’ can indicate the use of the past perfect.
- Common mistakes include incorrect conjugation of auxiliary verbs and misusing the tense in context.
In conclusion, mastering the past perfect tense in German enhances not only your grammar skills but also your ability to express complex ideas and narratives in the language. Whether for academic purposes, professional use, or personal satisfaction, a deep understanding of ‘das Plusquamperfekt’ is an invaluable asset in your language learning journey.
FAQ: German Past Perfect Tense (Plusquamperfekt)
What is the Plusquamperfekt in German?
The Plusquamperfekt, or past perfect tense in German, is used to describe actions that were completed before another past event. It helps establish a clear sequence of events in the past, similar to the English past perfect tense.
How do you form the Plusquamperfekt in German?
The Plusquamperfekt is formed using:
- The simple past tense of “haben” (to have) or “sein” (to be)
- The past participle of the main verb
- Subject + simple past of “haben” or “sein” + past participle of main verb
- Ich hatte das Buch gelesen.
(I had read the book.)
When should I use “haben” or “sein” as the auxiliary verb?
- Use “haben” with most verbs, especially transitive verbs (verbs that take a direct object).
- Use “sein” with intransitive verbs that indicate movement from one place to another or a change of state, such as gehen (to go), kommen (to come), werden (to become).
- Ich hatte gelernt.
(I had studied.) - Sie war angekommen.
(She had arrived.)
How do you form the past participle of German verbs?
- Regular (weak) Verbs: Add “ge-” before the verb stem and “-t” at the end.
- machen → gemacht
(to do/make → done/made)
- machen → gemacht
- Irregular (strong) Verbs: Often involve a vowel change and end with “-en”.
- gehen → gegangen
(to go → gone)
- gehen → gegangen
- Mixed Verbs: Combine elements of both, often with a stem change and “-t” ending.
- bringen → gebracht
(to bring → brought)
- bringen → gebracht
What are common signal words for the Plusquamperfekt?
Signal words that often indicate the use of the past perfect tense include:
- nachdem (after)
- bevor (before)
- als (when)
- schon (already)
- noch nie (never before)
- Nachdem er gegangen war, begann das Konzert.
(After he had left, the concert began.)
What’s the difference between the Plusquamperfekt and the Perfekt tense in German?
- Plusquamperfekt (past perfect): Describes an action that occurred before another past action.
- Ich hatte gegessen, bevor er ankam.
(I had eaten before he arrived.)
- Ich hatte gegessen, bevor er ankam.
- Perfekt (present perfect): Describes a completed action with relevance to the present.
- Ich habe gegessen.
(I have eaten.)
- Ich habe gegessen.
Is the Plusquamperfekt commonly used in spoken German?
In spoken German, the Plusquamperfekt is used less frequently than in written language. It’s primarily used to clarify the sequence of past events. In everyday conversation, context often makes the sequence clear, so the Perfekt tense may be preferred.
Can I use modal verbs in the Plusquamperfekt?
Yes, modal verbs can be used in the past perfect tense. They are formed using the simple past of “haben” and the double infinitive (modal verb + main verb).
- Ich hatte gehen müssen.
(I had had to go.)
How does word order work in Plusquamperfekt sentences?
In main clauses, the auxiliary verb (“hatte”/”war”) typically occupies the second position, and the past participle goes to the end.
- Sie hatte das Lied gesungen.
(She had sung the song.)
In subordinate clauses, the auxiliary verb moves to the end, after the past participle.
- …, weil sie das Lied gesungen hatte.
(… because she had sung the song.)
Are there common mistakes to avoid when using the Plusquamperfekt?
- Incorrect Auxiliary Verb: Mixing up “haben” and “sein.”
- Wrong Past Participle Formation: Not applying the correct rules for regular, irregular, or mixed verbs.
- Verb Placement Errors: Misplacing the auxiliary verb or past participle in the sentence.
Can the Plusquamperfekt be used in subordinate clauses?
Yes, the Plusquamperfekt is often used in subordinate clauses to indicate that one past action occurred before another.
- Nachdem sie angekommen war, begann die Sitzung.
(After she had arrived, the meeting began.)
How can I practice using the Plusquamperfekt?
- Quizzes and Exercises: Take our free quiz on the German past perfect tense to test your knowledge.
- Reading and Writing: Engage with German texts that use the Plusquamperfekt and try writing your own sentences or stories using this tense.
Does the Plusquamperfekt affect the meaning of a sentence significantly?
Yes, using the Plusquamperfekt clarifies the sequence of events by showing that one action was completed before another in the past, which can significantly impact the meaning and understanding of a sentence.
Is it necessary to always use the Plusquamperfekt when talking about the past?
Not always. If the sequence of events is clear from context, especially in spoken language, Germans often use the Perfekt or Präteritum instead. However, in written language and formal contexts, using the Plusquamperfekt helps clarify the timeline of past events.