German Banking Vocabulary: Complete List, Examples & Quiz for A2-B1 Learners

Hand placing a coin into a blue piggy bank, representing German banking vocabulary like Geld sparen (save money).

Table of Contents


Navigating financial matters in a foreign language can be challenging. This guide is designed for intermediate German learners (A2-B1) who want to expand their vocabulary related to money and banking. Whether you’re opening a bank account, discussing finances, or simply want to understand banking terms, this article will equip you with the essential words and phrases you need. The vocabulary list includes nouns, verbs, and adjectives, all sorted alphabetically based on the German words. You’ll also find example sentences to help you understand how to use these terms in context. Additionally, we’ve included links to quizzes and short stories to further enhance your learning experience.

Comprehensive German Banking Vocabulary List

Below is a comprehensive list of German vocabulary related to money and banking. The list is sorted alphabetically based on the German words (ignoring articles). Use this list to familiarize yourself with common financial terms.
German Word English Translation
abheben to withdraw
die Aktie the stock, share
die Bank the bank
die Bankkarte the bank card
das Bargeld the cash
die Einzahlung the deposit
das Formular the form
der Geldautomat the ATM
das Geld the money
das Girokonto the checking account
gründen to establish, to found
die Karte the card
das Konto the account
der Kontostand the account balance
kostenlos free of charge
leihen to lend, to borrow
das Online-Banking the online banking
das Passwort the password
die Rechnung the invoice, bill
(Geld) sparen to save (money)
das Sparkonto the savings account
überweisen to transfer
die Überweisung the transfer
verdienen to earn
die Währung the currency
wechseln to exchange/change
zahlen to pay
die Zahlung the payment
die Zinsen the interest (financial)

Example Sentences Using German Banking Vocabulary

Hand holding a credit card, illustrating German banking vocabulary like die Kreditkarte (credit card) and die Zahlung (payment).
Master German banking vocabulary with this image of a credit card (die Kreditkarte) used for a payment (die Zahlung).
Here are example sentences to help you understand how to use these vocabulary words in context.
German Word German Example Sentence English Translation
abheben Ich möchte 100 Euro von meinem Konto abheben. I would like to withdraw 100 euros from my account.
die Aktie Er hat Aktien von einem großen Unternehmen gekauft. He bought shares of a large company.
die Bank Die Bank schließt um 16 Uhr. The bank closes at 4 PM.
die Bankkarte Ich habe meine Bankkarte verloren. I lost my bank card.
das Bargeld Bezahlen Sie mit Karte oder Bargeld? Are you paying by card or cash?
die Einzahlung Die Einzahlung wurde Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben. The deposit has been credited to your account.
das Formular Bitte füllen Sie dieses Formular aus. Please fill out this form.
der Geldautomat Wo ist der nächste Geldautomat? Where is the nearest ATM?
das Geld Ich habe kein Geld dabei. I don’t have any money with me.
das Girokonto Ich möchte ein Girokonto eröffnen. I would like to open a checking account.
gründen Sie möchten eine Firma gründen. They want to establish a company.
die Karte Kann ich mit Karte zahlen? Can I pay by card?
das Konto Wie ist Ihre Kontonummer? What is your account number?
der Kontostand Ich möchte meinen Kontostand prüfen. I would like to check my account balance.
kostenlos Die Kontoeröffnung ist kostenlos. Opening the account is free of charge.
leihen Kannst du mir 20 Euro leihen? Can you lend me 20 euros?
das Online-Banking Ich nutze gerne Online-Banking. I like to use online banking.
das Passwort Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein. Please enter your password.
die Rechnung Die Rechnung ist fällig. The invoice is due.
sparen Ich spare Geld für meinen Urlaub. I’m saving money for my vacation.
das Sparkonto Er hat ein Sparkonto eröffnet. He opened a savings account.
überweisen Ich werde das Geld morgen überweisen. I will transfer the money tomorrow.
die Überweisung Die Überweisung ist noch nicht angekommen. The transfer hasn’t arrived yet.
verdienen Wie viel verdienst du im Monat? How much do you earn per month?
die Währung Der Euro ist die Währung in Deutschland. The euro is the currency in Germany.
wechseln Wo kann ich Geld wechseln? Where can I exchange money?
zahlen Ich möchte die Rechnung jetzt zahlen. I would like to pay the bill now.
die Zahlung Die Zahlung ist eingegangen. The payment has been received.
die Zinsen Die Zinsen für dieses Darlehen sind hoch. The interest on this loan is high.

Test Your Knowledge with Our Free Banking Vocabulary Quiz

Ready to test your understanding of German banking vocabulary? Take our quiz to see how much you’ve learned. Start the German Banking Vocabulary Quiz here.

Enhance Your Learning with German Short Stories About Banking

Immerse yourself in engaging short stories that incorporate the banking vocabulary you’ve learned. Reading stories in German helps improve comprehension and retention.
  • Beginners: here
  • Intermediate Level Story: here


Expanding your German banking vocabulary not only enhances your language skills but also prepares you for real-life financial situations in German-speaking countries. Regular practice and exposure to these terms will build your confidence in managing financial matters. Keep practicing, and don’t hesitate to revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Erfolg! (Good luck!)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I learn German banking vocabulary?

Learning banking vocabulary enables you to handle financial transactions, open bank accounts, and discuss money matters confidently in German-speaking countries. It’s essential for anyone planning to live, work, or travel in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland.

Where can I find more resources for intermediate German learners?

Explore our website for additional blog articles, quizzes, and short stories. Topics range from grammar and vocabulary to listening and reading comprehension.