German Daily Routine Vocabulary for Beginners: Full List, Examples, Free Quiz & Short Story

German Daily Routine Vocabulary for Beginners: Full List, Examples, Free Quiz & Short Story


Mastering German daily routine vocabulary is a key part of learning the language, especially for beginners. Whether you're talking about getting up in the morning, heading to work, or relaxing in the evening, these essential words will help you describe your day with ease. In this guide, you'll find a simple and practical list of daily routine words, along with example sentences to show how they’re used in real-life situations. Additionally, you'll find a free quiz to help you practice, along with a short story that brings everything together. Ready to start? Let’s go!

Daily Routine Vocabulary in German: Essential Words for Beginners

das Abendessenthe dinner
der Abendthe evening
aufstehen to get up
aufwachen to wake up
arbeiten to work
fernsehen to watch TV
das Frühstückthe breakfast
frühstücken to have breakfast
das Hobby the hobby
lernen to learn
der Mittagthe midday
das Mittagessenthe lunch
der Morgenthe morning
nach Hause kommento come home
der Nachmittag the afternoon
die Nacht the night
schlafen gehento go to sleep
sich ausruhento rest
der Tagthe day
der Tagesablaufthe daily routine
zur Arbeit gehento go to work
zur Schule gehento go to school
zu Abend essento have dinner
zu Mittag essento have lunch

Practical Example Sentences for German Daily Routine Vocabulary

German breakfast with eggs and bread, illustrating essential German daily routine vocabulary for learners.
Vocabulary                    German Example SentenceEnglish Translation
das AbendessenWir essen um 19 Uhr zu Abend.We have dinner at 7 PM.
der AbendAm Abend gehe ich spazieren.I go for a walk in the evening.
aufstehenIch stehe jeden Morgen um 6 Uhr auf.I get up every morning at 6 AM.
aufwachen Ich wache meistens vor dem Wecker auf.I usually wake up before the alarm.
arbeiten Er arbeitet in einem Büro.He works in an office.
fernsehen Abends sehe ich oft fern.I often watch television in the evening.
das FrühstückZum Frühstück esse ich Müsli.I eat muesli for breakfast.
frühstücken Wir frühstücken um 8 Uhr.We have breakfast at 8 AM.
das HobbySein Hobby ist das Fotografieren.His hobby is photography.
lernen Sie lernt jeden Tag Deutsch.She studies German every day.
der Mittag Ich gehe in der Mittagspause spazieren.I go for a walk at lunchtime.
das MittagessenDas Mittagessen gibt es um 12 Uhr.Lunch is served at 12 PM.
der MorgenIch trinke immer Kaffee am Morgen.I always drink coffee in the morning.
nach Hause kommen Ich komme um 18 Uhr nach Hause.I come home at 6 PM.
der Nachmittag Am Nachmittag mache ich Sport.I do sport in the afternoon.
die NachtManchmal höre ich in der Nacht Eulen.I sometimes hear owls at night.
schlafen gehenIch gehe um 22 Uhr schlafen.I go to sleep at 10 PM.
sich ausruhenNach der Arbeit ruhe ich mich aus.After work, I take a rest.
der Tag Heute ist ein schöner Tag.Today is a beautiful day.
der TagesablaufMein Tagesablauf ist immer gleich.My daily routine is always the same.
zur Arbeit gehenIch gehe um 8 Uhr zur Arbeit.I go to work at 8 AM.
zur Schule gehenDie Kinder gehen um 7:30 Uhr zur Schule.The children go to school at 7:30 AM.
zu Abend essen Wir essen zu Abend, nachdem wir nach Hause kommen.We have dinner after we come home.
zu Mittag essenWir essen zu Mittag in einem Restaurant.We have lunch at a restaurant.

Free Daily Routine Vocabulary Quiz for German Learners

Want to boost your daily routine vocabulary? Take our free quiz and test your knowledge. Start practicing today: here.

German Short Story for Beginners: A Typical Day with Daily Routine Vocabulary

Take a look at this short story written for A1-A2 beginners, highlighting important daily routine vocabulary in the context of a typical day. It includes 4 questions to check your understanding. Read the story: here.


Article by Niko

Published 16 Sep 2024