Learn German Technology Vocabulary (A2-B1): List, Examples & Quiz

A friendly robot symbolizing the future of robotics and German technology vocabulary.

Table of Contents

Introduction to German Vocabulary: Technology and Innovation

As technology continues to evolve, so does the language surrounding it. For intermediate German learners (A2-B1 levels), acquiring technology-related vocabulary is essential for staying current and engaging in conversations about the digital world. Whether you’re discussing the latest gadgets, programming, or internet trends, these terms will enhance your communication skills. This guide provides a comprehensive list of German technology vocabulary, complete with example sentences and English translations. By the end of this article, you’ll be better equipped to navigate tech discussions in German.

Key German Technology Vocabulary List

Below is an essential list of German words and phrases related to technology, suitable for intermediate learners. Familiarize yourself with these terms to expand your tech-savvy German vocabulary.
German Word English Translation
der Akku/die Batterie the battery
der Algorithmus the algorithm
die App the app
der Bildschirm the screen
der Computer the computer
die Datei the file
der Drucker the printer
das Handy the mobile phone
die Hardware the hardware
herunterladen to download
hochladen to upload
das Internet the internet
die Künstliche Intelligenz the artificial intelligence
der Laptop the laptop
die Maus the mouse
das Netzwerk the network
das Passwort the password
das Programm the program
programmieren to program
der Roboter the robot
der Router the router
der Server the server
die Sicherheit the security
die Software the software
der Speicher the storage
speichern to save
die Tastatur the keyboard
die Technologie the technology
das Update the update
die Verbindung the connection

Example Sentences with German Technology Vocabulary

A robotic hand interacting with a digital network, representing advanced terms in German technology vocabulary.
Dive into advanced German technology vocabulary — read now!
To illustrate how these words are used in context, here are some example sentences along with their English translations.
German Word German Example Sentence English Translation
der Akku Der Akku meines Handys ist leer. The battery of my mobile phone is empty.
der Algorithmus Der Algorithmus sortiert die Daten automatisch. The algorithm sorts the data automatically.
die App Ich habe eine neue App heruntergeladen. I downloaded a new app.
der Bildschirm Der Bildschirm ist sehr groß und klar. The screen is very large and clear.
der Computer Mein Computer ist abgestürzt. My computer crashed.
die Datei Kannst du mir die Datei schicken? Can you send me the file?
der Drucker Der Drucker funktioniert nicht. The printer is not working.
das Handy Ich habe mein Handy zu Hause vergessen. I forgot my mobile phone at home.
die Hardware Die Hardware muss aktualisiert werden. The hardware needs to be updated.
herunterladen Ich lade das Programm gerade herunter. I’m downloading the program right now.
hochladen Bitte laden Sie die Bilder hoch. Please upload the pictures.
das Internet Ich surfe gerne im Internet. I like surfing the internet.
die künstliche Intelligenz                                            Künstliche Intelligenz verändert die Welt. Artificial intelligence is changing the world.
der Laptop Mein Laptop ist sehr leicht und dünn. My laptop is very light and thin.
die Maus Ich brauche eine neue Maus für meinen Computer. I need a new mouse for my computer.
das Netzwerk Das Netzwerk ist derzeit offline. The network is currently offline.
das Passwort Vergiss nicht, dein Passwort zu ändern. Don’t forget to change your password.
das Programm Dieses Programm ist sehr nützlich. This program is very useful.
programmieren Ich lerne, wie man Apps programmiert. I’m learning how to program apps.
der Roboter Der Roboter kann tanzen. The robot can dance.
der Router Der Router muss neu gestartet werden. The router needs to be restarted.
der Server Der Server ist überlastet. The server is overloaded.
die Sicherheit Sicherheit im Internet ist sehr wichtig. Security on the internet is very important.
die Software Die Software wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. The software is updated regularly.
der Speicher Der Speicher ist fast voll. The storage is almost full.
speichern Vergiss nicht, deine Arbeit zu speichern. Don’t forget to save your work.
die Tastatur Die Tastatur ist sehr ergonomisch. The keyboard is very ergonomic.
die Technologie Neue Technologien entwickeln sich schnell. New technologies are developing rapidly.
das Update Ein neues Update ist verfügbar. A new update is available.
die Verbindung Die Verbindung ist sehr langsam. The connection is very slow.

Assess Your Knowledge with Our Technology Vocabulary Quiz

Ready to test your understanding of German technology vocabulary? Take our interactive quiz to evaluate your progress and identify areas for improvement: here.

Enhance Your Skills with a Tech-Themed Short Story

Immerse yourself in a short story that incorporates the technology vocabulary you’ve just learned. Reading in context will help reinforce your understanding and make learning more engaging. Read the Short Story: Coming soon!

Wrapping Up

Expanding your German vocabulary in the field of technology is a significant step toward fluency, especially in today’s digital age. It allows you to engage in conversations about tech trends, understand technical documents, and navigate the digital world more effectively. Keep practicing these terms, and revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Viel Erfolg beim Lernen! (Good luck with your learning!)

Common Questions About German Technology Vocabulary

Why should I learn German technology vocabulary?

Learning technology vocabulary helps you stay updated with tech discussions, read German tech articles, and communicate effectively in professional settings.

Are these technology terms widely used in Germany?

Yes, these terms are commonly used in daily conversations, workplaces, and media across German-speaking countries.

Do you provide an overview of all German vocabulary articles?

Yes, you can find the overview: here.

Where can I find more German learning materials?

Explore our website for more vocabulary articles, vocabulary quizzes, grammar articles, grammar quizzes and short stories tailored for learners of all levels.