Begin the Quiz – Master German Cases
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FAQ: German Cases Quiz
What are the Cases in German?
The German language consists of four cases: the nominative, the genitive, the dative and the accusative case. You can read more about the cases: here.
How can I figure out the correct German case?
Finding the correct German case can be challenging, which is one reason why German isn’t so easy. To determine the nominative case, you can ask: “Who or what.” The nominative is usually the subject of a sentence. The genitive case in German is needed for ownership or possession. To find the genitive, ask: “Whose.”
The dative case is used for the indirect object, and there’s no direct interaction between the subject and the dative. To identify the dative, ask: “For whom/to whom.” The accusative case, on the other hand, is for the direct object, where there’s interaction between the subject and the object. You can get more information about this topic: here.
Are the Cases in German important?
The cases in German are very essential, because they are for every sentence needed.
What do I need to do in this German Grammar Quiz?
You can choose the correct case for each sentence.
Are all the German grammar quizzes listed somewhere?
Yes, you can explore the entire collection by clicking here.