Begin the Grammar Quiz – German Two-Way Prepositions
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What Are German Two-Way Prepositions and How Do They Work?
German two-way prepositions are a unique set of prepositions that can be used with either the dative or accusative case, depending on the context. They indicate location when paired with the dative case (answering the question “Where?”) and show direction or locomotion when used with the accusative case (answering the question “Where to?”).
Here’s a list of German two-way prepositions and their meanings:
- an = on, at
- auf = on top of (e.g., on a mountain)
- vor = in front of
- in = in, into
- hinter = behind
- neben = next to
- unter = under
- über = above
- zwischen = between
Where can I get more information about the Wechselpräpositionen?
You can read in detail more about the German two-way prepositions: here.
Shall I learn first the German prepositions for Dative and Accusative?
It makes sense that you first focus on the prepositions that are used with dative and accusative and after this on the two-way prepositions to master the cases in German as fast as possible.
Where can I access an overview of all German grammar quizzes?
Click here to explore the entire overview.