Mastering dative prepositions is a crucial step in becoming proficient in German grammar. These prepositions always require the dative case, influencing the articles, adjectives, and nouns that follow them.
This guide explores the nuances of German dative prepositions, highlighting their significance and practical usage. Whether you’re just starting your German journey or aiming to refine your skills, this article provides clear explanations, helpful examples, and actionable tips to deepen your understanding and improve your fluency.
What are German Dative Prepositions?
German dative prepositions are prepositions that always require the dative case for the nouns or pronouns they govern. This means the articles, adjectives, and nouns following these prepositions must change to match the dative case.
Using dative prepositions correctly is essential for constructing accurate sentences and avoiding common mistakes related to German cases. By mastering these prepositions, you’ll gain confidence in navigating a key element of German grammar.
German Dative Prepositions List
Example sentence in German
English translation
mit (with)
Wir fahren im Sommer mit unseren Freunden nach Italien.
We are going to Italy with our friends this summer.
bei (at)
Sie arbeitet bei einem bekannten Verlag.
She works at a well-known publishing house.
von (from, of, by, about)
Die Idee kommt von einem berühmten Wissenschaftler.
The idea comes from a famous scientist.
seit (since, for)
Sie wohnt schon seit Jahren in dieser Stadt.
She has been living in this city for years.
zu (to)
Ich gehe heute Abend zu einem Konzert.
I’m going to a concert tonight.
außer (except for, apart, besides)
Außer ein paar kleinen Fehlern war alles perfekt.
Apart from a few small mistakes, everything was perfect.
nach (to, after, according to)
Nach dem Essen fühle ich mich oft müde.
I often feel tired after eating.
gegenüber (opposite, towards)
Er verhält sich mir gegenüber immer sehr freundlich.
He is always very friendly towards me.
aus (out of, from)
Er machte aus alten Flaschen eine Lampe.
He made a lamp out of old bottles.
ab (from, as of)
Die Temperaturen sinken ab der Dämmerung deutlich.
Temperatures drop significantly from dusk.
These are the most important prepositions that can be used with a dative. Theoretically, it’s possible to employ the accusative case in a few instances with “ab”, but in practice, this is rarely, if ever, done.
A dedicated student writing in German, mastering the usage of dative prepositions in real-life scenarios.
Using Dative Prepositions: Example Sentences for Practice
This section provides a comprehensive explanation of German dative prepositions. Each preposition includes a translation, example sentence, and usage to help you understand how they function in German sentences.
The preposition “mit” translates to “with” in English and is used to indicate accompaniment or participation.
Das Kind fährt mit dem Fahrrad. The child is riding a bicycle.
Ich gehe mit dem Kumpel in die Stadt. I go into town with my buddy.
“Bei” translates to “at” and it is needed for expressing location, proximity, affiliation, or being in someone’s presence.
Bei der Arbeit lernte sie viele interessante Menschen kennen. She got to know many interesting people at work.
The English translation of “von” is “from”, “of”, “by” or “about” and it is needed to point out origin, or location.
Das ist das Haus von meinem Onkel. This is the house of my uncle.
“Seit” means in English “since” or “for,” denoting a time span that stretches from the past to the present. It specifies when a duration begins or emphasizes the continuous aspect of an action or state.
Ich lerne seit zwei Jahren Deutsch. I’ve been learning German for two years.
“Zu” equals the English “to” and is mostly needed for directions.
Wir gehen zu dem Bahnhof. We are going to the station.
The meaning of the word ‘außer’ in English is “except for”, “apart from”, or “besides”, signifying exclusion or an exception within a broader context.
Außer dir möchte niemand den Film sehen. Nobody wants to see the movie except you.
“Nach” serves to convey various ideas such as direction, destination, time, and preference, with English equivalents like “to”, “after” or “according to” determined by the context.
Es gefällt Peter, nach Spanien zu ziehen. Peter is happy to move to Spain.
Er fragt sie, nach ihren Namen. He asks her for her name.
“Gegenüber” translates to “opposite”, “across from” or “towards” in English and is needed to describe a position in terms of location or attitude.
Der Chef verhält sich gegenüber dem Kunden sehr freundlich. The boss is very friendly towards the customer.
The English meaning of the word “aus” is “from” or “out of” and it is serving to convey information about origin, material, or reason.
Der Student kommt aus einem kleinen Dorf. The student comes from a small village.
Ab” translates to “from” in English and is primarily used to indicate the starting point of a time period or the beginning of a spatial distance.
Ab einem Alter von 18 Jahren darf man wählen. You can vote from the age of 18.
German Dative Prepositions Free Quiz
You can practice what you have learned with a free quiz: here.
Dative Prepositions vs. Accusative Prepositions Quiz
German includes both dative and accusative prepositions, each demanding its respective case for proper sentence construction. Knowing which prepositions go with which case is essential for creating grammatically correct sentences. Test your understanding of dative vs accusative prepositions with our free quiz: here.
Key Takeaways
Dative Prepositions and Their Usage
Dative prepositions always require the noun or pronoun that follows to be in the dative case. This makes it essential to understand declensions in order to use these prepositions correctly in German sentences.
Importance of Preposition Use
Accurately using dative prepositions is vital for constructing grammatically correct sentences in German. Mistakes with cases can lead to misunderstandings, so mastering this concept will significantly enhance your fluency and communication skills.
Dative vs. Accusative Prepositions: Know the Difference
Understanding the difference between dative and accusative prepositions is key to navigating the complexities of German grammar.
Practice Makes Perfect
To fully master prepositions, regular practice is necessary. Using quizzes, examples, and exercises will help you to learn easier.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How to learn German prepositions most effectively?
It is helpful to learn first all prepositions that can be used with dative and accusative. You can learn the cases in at the same time. That’s a good option which can help you remember both topics easier. After this you can focus on the German two-way prepositions.
Are there any patterns for when to use the dative case with prepositions?
Yes, dative prepositions always require the noun or pronoun that follows to be in the dative case.
What is the difference between dative and accusative prepositions?
Dative prepositions always require the dative case, while accusative prepositions require the accusative case. There are also two-way prepositions (Wechselpräpositionen), which can take either case depending on whether they indicate locomotion (accusative) or location (dative).
How do dative prepositions affect sentence structure in German?
In German, the preposition typically appears early in the sentence, while the noun or pronoun following the preposition must be in the dative case. Understanding this word order is essential for constructing proper sentences.
Where can I find a comprehensive guide to all types of German prepositions?
Nikolai Beiers (Niko) is a German teacher, content creator, and founder of How To Study German. With 7+ years of experience and 5,000+ online lessons, he helps learners master German efficiently. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work & Pedagogy and a 120-hour TESOL certificate. Niko has authored 100+ German grammar and vocabulary articles and created 80+ quizzes to support learners at all levels.