German Medical Vocabulary for Doctor Visits: Words, Examples & Practice

Female doctor working at a desk with a stethoscope, representing German medical vocabulary like die Ärztin (doctor).

Table of Contents


Expanding your German medical vocabulary is important when visiting the doctor in German-speaking countries.

This article provides a comprehensive list of vocabulary for beginners and intermediate learners, useful example sentences, quizzes, and short stories to help enhance your language skills in medical contexts.

Whether you’re scheduling appointments, describing symptoms, or understanding medical instructions, mastering these terms will help you to communicate effectively and confidently during your medical visits.

German Vocabulary: At the Doctor – A Full List

die Allergiethe allergy
die Apothekethe pharmacy
der Arztthe doctor (male)
die Ärztinthe doctor (female)
die Arztpraxisthe doctor’s office
Bauchschmerzenabdominal pain
die Behandlungthe treatment
der Blutdruckthe blood pressure
die Diagnosethe diagnosis
das Fieberthe fever
die Grippethe flu
Halsschmerzensore throat
der Hustenthe cough
die Infektionthe infection
die Krankenversicherunghealth insurance
das Medikamentthe medication
der Notfallthe emergency
die Operationthe surgery
der Patientthe patient (male)
die Patientinthe patient (female)
das Rezeptthe prescription
die Salbethe ointment
die Sprechstundeconsultation hour
die Untersuchungthe examination
die Verletzungthe injury
die Wartezeitwaiting time
Smiling female doctor with a stethoscope, illustrating German medical vocabulary.
Expand your German medical vocabulary with this image of a smiling doctor including terms like die Ärztin (doctor).

Using German Medical Vocabulary: Practical Example Sentences

VocabularyGerman Example SentenceEnglish Translation
die AllergieEr hat eine starke Allergie gegen Nüsse.He has a strong allergy to nuts.
die ApothekeSie geht zur Apotheke, um ihre Medikamente zu kaufen.She is going to the pharmacy to buy her medications.
der ArztDer Arzt wird Sie jetzt sehen.The doctor will see you now.
die ÄrztinDie Ärztin hat viel Erfahrung.The doctor has a lot of experience.
die ArztpraxisDie Arztpraxis ist montags geschlossen.The doctor’s office is closed on Mondays.
BauchschmerzenIch habe starke Bauchschmerzen.I have severe abdominal pains.
die BehandlungDie Behandlung dauert zwei Wochen.The treatment lasts two weeks.
der BlutdruckDer Arzt misst seinen Blutdruck.The doctor is measuring his blood pressure.
die DiagnoseDie Diagnose wurde gestern gestellt.The diagnosis was made yesterday.
das FieberSie hat hohes Fieber.She has a high fever.
die GrippeEr erkrankt oft an der Grippe.He often gets the flu.
HalsschmerzenSie hat Halsschmerzen und Husten.She has a sore throat and cough.
der HustenDer Husten wird schlimmer.The cough is getting worse.
die InfektionDie Infektion muss behandelt werden.The infection needs to be treated.
KopfschmerzenEr hat seit gestern Kopfschmerzen.He has had a headache since yesterday.
die KrankenversicherungSie muss ihre Krankenversicherung aktualisieren.She needs to update her health insurance.
das MedikamentDas Medikament hilft gegen die Schmerzen.The medication helps against the pain.
der NotfallIm Notfall rufen Sie 112 an.In an emergency, call 112.
die OperationDie Operation war erfolgreich.The surgery was successful.
der PatientDer Patient wartet auf den Arzt.The patient is waiting for the doctor.
die PatientinDie Patientin hat eine Erkältung.The female patient has a cold.
das RezeptDer Arzt schreibt ein Rezept aus.The doctor writes a prescription.
die SalbeDie Salbe hilft gegen den Ausschlag.The ointment helps against the rash.
die SprechstundeDie Sprechstunde beginnt um 10 Uhr.The consultation hour starts at 10 AM.
SymptomeDie Symptome sind Fieber und Husten.The symptoms are fever and cough.
die UntersuchungDie Untersuchung dauert etwa eine Stunde.The examination takes about an hour.
die VerletzungDie Verletzung erfordert ärztliche Hilfe.The injury requires medical assistance.
die WartezeitDie Wartezeit im Arztzimmer war kurz.The waiting time in the doctor’s office was short.

Practice German Medical Vocabulary with Our Free Quiz

Improve your understanding  with our free German medical vocabulary quiz.

Free Video Quiz: A visit to the Doctor

Watch a scenario at a doctor’s office and test your comprehension with an interactive video quiz.

German Short Stories for Everyday Medical Situations

Immerse yourself in our short stories that incorporate medical vocabulary you’ve learned, available for different learning levels.