German Modal Verbs

German Modal Verbs

When learning the German language, understanding modal verbs is crucial for effective communication and fluency. Modal verbs play a significant role in expressing various meanings. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of German modal verbs, their usage, and their unique characteristics.

German Modal Verbs

What Are Modal Verbs?

Modal verbs, or modale Verben in German, are a special category of verbs that modify or indicate the mood of the main verb in a sentence. These verbs are essential for expressing abilities, permissions, obligations, and necessity in both written and spoken German. There are six modal verbs in the German language:

  1. müssen - must, have to
  2. können - can, to be able to
  3. wollen - want, to intend to
  4. sollen - shall, should, to be supposed to
  5. dürfen - may, to be allowed to
  6. mögen - to like

Each of these German modal verbs brings its own unique meaning and usage, allowing you to express a wide variety of thoughts and ideas. If you like to check your knowledge about the modal verbs in German, then you can check out our latest free German modal verbs quiz: here.  

Sentence Structure with Modal Verbs in German

Understanding the sentence structure when using modal verbs in German is crucial for communicating your thoughts accurately and effectively. Modal verbs can be used in both main sentences and subordinate clauses, and the position of the modal verb changes based on the type of clause in which it is used.

I. Sentence Structure in Main Sentences with a Modal Verb:

In a main sentence, the modal verb usually takes the second position. The verb that accompanies the modal verb is in its infinitive form and is placed at the end of the sentence. Here's the structure:

Subject - Modal Verb - Other Sentence Elements - Infinitive Verb


  1. Du kannst gut singen. = You can sing well.
  2. Du sollst dein Zimmer aufräumen.  = You should clean your room.
  3. Sie will einen Kaffee trinken. = She wants to drink a coffee.

II. Sentence Structure in Subordinate Clauses with a Modal Verb:

In subordinate clauses introduced by a conjunction such as "weil" (because),"dass" (that),or "wenn" (if),the verb structure changes. The conjugated modal verb moves to the end of the clause, following the infinitive of the other verb. Here's the structure:

Subject - Other Sentence Elements - Infinitive Verb - Modal Verb


  1. Ich weiß, dass du Deutsch sprechen kannst. = I know that you can speak German.
  2. Sie sagt, dass du dein Zimmer aufräumen sollst. = She says that you should clean your room.
  3. Er denkt, dass sie einen Kuchen essen will. = He thinks that she wants to eat a cake.

Können - can, to be able to 


"Können" translates to "can" or "to be able to" in English, implying both ability and possibility. It could help express that you're capable of doing something or denote that something is possible or permissible.

Conjugation of können in the present tense

Personal PronounConjugation of "können"
ich (I)kann
du (you)kannst
er/sie/es (he/she/it)kann
wir (we)können
ihr (you plural)könnt
Sie (you formal) sie (they)können


  1. Ich kann Deutsch sprechen. = I can speak German.
  2. Du kannst das Buch lesen. = You can read the book. 
  3. Er kann sehr gut kochen. = He can cook very well.
  4. Wir können heute Abend ins Kino gehen. = We can go to the cinema tonight.
  5. Sie können ein Lied singen. = They can sing a song.

Conjugation of können in the simple past

Personal PronounConjugation of "können"
ich (I)konnte
du (you)konntest
er/sie/es (he/she/it)konnte
wir (we)konnten
ihr (you plural)konntet
Sie (you formal) sie (they)konnten


  1. Ich konnte das Buch nicht finden. = I couldn't find the book.
  2. Sie konnte das Kleid nicht kaufen. = She couldn't buy the dress.
  3. Sie konnten den ganzen Tag im Park verbringen. = They could spend the whole day in the park.
  4. Wir konnten den Film gestern nicht sehen. = We couldn't watch the movie yesterday.
  5. Sie konnten die Aufgabe leicht lösen. = They were able to solve the task easily.

Müssen - must, have to 


'Müssen' translates to 'must' or 'have to' in English, expressing necessity or obligation. Are you starting to see the importance of this word? 

Conjugation of müssen in the present tense 

Personal PronounConjugation of "müssen"
ich (I)muss
du (you)musst
er/sie/es (he/she/it)muss
wir (we)müssen
ihr (you plural)müsst
Sie (you formal) sie (they)müssen


  1. Ich muss zur Schule gehen. = I have to go to school. 
  2. Du musst dein Projekt beenden. = You have to finish your project. 
  3. Er muss sein Auto wasche. = He has to wash his car 
  4. Wir müssen uns auf das Treffen vorbereiten. = We have to prepare for the meeting.
  5.  Sie müssen die Tickets buchen. = They have to book the tickets. 

Conjugation of müssen in the simple past

Personal PronounConjugation of "müssen"
ich (I)musste
du (you)musstest
er/sie/es (he/she/it)musste
wir (we)mussten
ihr (you plural)musstet
Sie (you formal) sie (they)mussten


  1. Du musstest das Klavier üben. = You had to practice the piano. 
  2. Ich musste auf meinen kleinen Bruder aufpassen. = I had to take care of my little brother. 
  3. Sie mussten Überstunden machen. They had to work overtime. 
  4. Wir mussten die Party früh verlassen. We had to leave the party early. 
  5. Sie musste das ganze Buch für ihren Bericht lesen. She had to read the entire book for her report.

Wollen - want, to intend to


The verb "wollen" translates to "to want to" in English. It is used to express a desire, intention, or willingness to do something. This modal verb changes form based on the person and the tense.

Conjugation of wollen in the present tense 

Personal PronounConjugation of "wollen"
ich (I)will
du (you)willst
er/sie/es (he/she/it)will
wir (we)wollen
ihr (you plural)wollt
Sie (you formal) sie (they)wollen


  1. Ich will mehr Deutsch lernen. = I want to learn more German.
  2. Du willst deinen Geburtstag in einem Restaurant feiern. = You want to celebrate your birthday in a restaurant.
  3. Meine Schwester will ein neues Fahrrad kaufen. = My sister wants to buy a new bicycle.
  4. Wir wollen am Wochenende wandern gehen. = We want to go hiking on the weekend.
  5. Die Kinder wollen nach der Schule ins Schwimmbad gehen. = The children want to go to the swimming pool after school.

Conjugation of wollen in the simple past 

Personal PronounConjugation of "wollen"
ich (I)wollte
du (you)wolltest
er/sie/es (he/she/it)wollte
wir (we)wollten
ihr (you plural)wolltet
Sie (you formal) sie (they)wollten


  1. Ich wollte ein Buch lesen, aber ich hatte keine Zeit. = I wanted to read a book, but I didn't have time.
  2. Du wolltest gestern mit uns zum Strand kommen. You wanted to come to the beach with us yesterday.
  3. Du wolltest ein neues Auto kaufen. = You wanted to buy a new car.
  4. Wir wollten früher aufstehen, aber der Wecker hat nicht geklingelt. = We wanted to get up earlier, but the alarm clock didn't ring.
  5. Die Lehrer wollten die Klassenarbeit verschieben. = The teachers wanted to postpone the exam.

sollen - shall, should, to be supposed to


"Sollen" is another frequently used modal verb in the German language. It translates into English as "should" or "ought to" and it is used to express a duty, requirement, or a need for something to happen. It is also used to give advice or to express an expectation or a hearsay.

Conjugation of sollen in the present tense 

Personal PronounConjugation of "sollen"
ich (I)soll
du (you)sollst
er/sie/es (he/she/it)soll
wir (we)sollen
ihr (you plural)sollt
Sie (you formal) sie (they)sollen


  1. Ich soll mehr Sport treiben, um fit zu bleiben. = I should do more sports to stay fit.
  2. Du sollst deine Hausaufgaben vor dem Fernsehen erledigen. = You should do your homework before watching TV.
  3. Meine Mutter sagt, dass ich mehr Gemüse essen soll. = My mother says that I should eat more vegetables.
  4. Wir sollen für den Test lernen. = We should study for the test.
  5. Ihr sollt eurem Bruder helfen, sein Zimmer aufzuräumen. = You should help your brother clean his room.

Conjugation of sollen in the simple past

Personal PronounConjugation of "sollen"
ich (I)sollte
du (you)solltest
er/sie/es (he/she/it)sollte
wir (we)sollten
ihr (you plural)sollte
Sie (you formal) sie (they)sollten


  1. Ich sollte meinen Arzt anrufen, aber ich habe es vergessen. = I was supposed to call my doctor, but I forgot.
  2. Du solltest die Türen abschließen. You should have locked the doors before you left.)
  3. Sie sollte ihre Hausaufgaben machen, bevor sie mit ihren Freunden spielte. (She was supposed to do her homework before she played with her friends.)
  4. Wir sollten zur Party kommen, aber wir konnten es nicht. (We were supposed to come to the party, but we couldn't.)
  5. Ihr solltet das Auto reparieren lassen, bevor es kaputt ging. (You should have had the car repaired before it broke down.)

dürfen - may, to be allowed to


The German modal verb "dürfen" is primarily used to express permission or possibility. It essentially corresponds to "may" or "to be allowed to" in English. Understanding its proper usage can be instrumental for any learner of the German language.

Conjugation of dürfen in the present tense 

Personal PronounConjugation of "dürfen"
ich (I)darf
du (you)darfst
er/sie/es (he/she/it)darf
wir (we)dürfen
ihr (you plural)dürft
Sie (you formal) sie (they)dürfen


  1. Ich darf nach der Arbeit ins Kino gehen. = I may go to the cinema after work.
  2. Du darfst mein Fahrrad benutzen. = You may use my bicycle.
  3. Er darf nicht rauchen. = He is not allowed to smoke.
  4. Wir dürfen den Park nach Sonnenuntergang nicht betreten. = We are not allowed to enter the park after sunset.
  5. Sie dürfen in der Bibliothek nicht laut sprechen. = They are not allowed to speak loudly in the library.

Conjugation of dürfen in the simple past

Personal PronounConjugation of "dürfen"
ich (I)durfte
du (you)durftest
er/sie/es (he/she/it)durfte
wir (we)durften
ihr (you plural)durftet
Sie (you formal) sie (they)durften


  1. Ich durfte meine Großmutter im Krankenhaus besuchen. = I was allowed to visit my grandmother in the hospital.
  2. Du durftest den Film vor uns allen sehen. = You were allowed to watch the movie before all of us.
  3. Er durfte als Kind keine Videospiele spielen. = He wasn't allowed to play video games as a child.
  4. Wir durften früher von der Arbeit nach Hause gehen. = We were allowed to go home early from work.
  5. Sie durften im Museum keine Fotos machen. = They were not allowed to take photos in the museum.

mögen - to like



The German modal verb "mögen" primarily translates to "like" in English and is used to express a liking or preference for something or someone. 

Conjugation of mögen in the present tense 

Personal PronounConjugation of "mögen"
ich (I)mag
du (you)magst
er/sie/es (he/she/it)mag
wir (we)mögen
ihr (you plural)mögt
Sie (you formal) sie (they)mögen


  1. Ich mag Schokolade. = I like chocolate.
  2. Du magst es, Tennis zu spielen. = You like to play tennis.
  3. Er mag keine Katzen. = He doesn't like cats.
  4. Sie mag es, Romane zu lesen. = She likes to read novels.
  5. Du magst deinen Kaffee ohne Zucker. = You like your coffee without sugar.

Conjugation of mögen in the simple past 

Personal PronounConjugation of "können"
ich (I)mochte
du (you)mochtest
er/sie/es (he/she/it)mochte
wir (we)mochten
ihr (you plural)mochtet
Sie (you formal) sie (they)mochten

Article by Niko

Published 17 Jul 2023