German Passive


Understanding the German Passive fast and easily


The passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the sentence’s subject expresses or manifests an action that was carried out by someone or something else. In English, it is formed with “be” and past participle of the verb. In German, it is formed with “werden” or with sein and past participle of the verb. It sounds simple enough on paper, but can be a little tricky to understand when spoken. The German language uses two different forms of the passive which can be confusing.

If you want to improve your German language skills, understanding how to use the passive voice is a must. You need to know how to use it correctly so you don't confuse people while writing or speaking in German. So read on and learn more about this important grammar tool!

When to use the passive voice


The passive voice is used for actions that are not deliberately carried out by the subject of the sentence. It's often used in descriptions, narratives, and scientific writing to provide more information about an action.

Unlike active forms of writing, where the subject is carrying out the action which is being described, in passive forms of writing, the subject receives or experiences the action. For example:

In the German language we have 2 forms of the passive. One is called "Vorgangspassiv" and the 2nd one is named the "Zustandspassiv". 


  • The Vorgangspassiv has the focus on the process. 
  • Der Kühlschrank wird von dem Mann gereinigt. The fridge is beeing cleaned by the man.
  • The Zustandspassiv has the focus on the condition. 
  • Der Kühlschrank is gereinigt. The fridge is cleaned.

The Vorgangspassiv is much more needed compared to the Zustandspassiv which people use only rarely (or even not at all).

In general the passive is needed when the focal point should be on something different. In politics or from bosses the passive is often used to say something more harmless.

Der Arbeit muss gemacht werden. The work has to be done. This could be a typical sentence used by a boss to not give a direct orders. 


Vorgangspassiv Present Tense

The Vorgangspassiv is formed with a form of werden plus past participle at the end of a main sentence.

  • Der Mann reinigt den Kühlschrank. 
  • The nominative gets changed to a Dative and the accusative will become the Subject.

Der Kühlschrank wird von dem Mann gereinigt.The fridge is being cleaned by the man.

The conjugation of werden

Ich werde

du wirst

er, sie, es wird

wir werden

ihr werdet

sie werden

Vorgangspassiv Futur 1 

The Vorgangspassiv Future 1 is formed like the present Vorgangspassiv plus the infinitive of werden at the end.

Der Mann wird das Auto reinigen.

  • Das Auto wird von dem Mann gereinigt werden. 
  • The car will be cleaned by the man. 

Vorgangspassiv Perfect 

The Vorgangspassiv Perfect is built with a form of to be plus a past participle and the word „worden“ at the end.

Der Mann hat das Auto gereinigt.

  • Das Auto ist von dem Mann gereinigt worden. 
  • The car has been cleaned by the man. 

Vorgangspassiv Past Perfect 

The Vorgangspassiv  past perfect is built with a simple past form of to be (waren) plus a past participle and the word „worden“ at the end.

Conjugation of waren

Ich war

du warst

er, si, es war

wir waren

ihr ward

sie waren

Der Mann hatte das Auto gereinigt.

  • Das Auto war von dem Mann gereinigt worden. 
  • The car had been cleaned by the man. 

Vorgangspassiv Simple Past 

The Vorgangspassiv simple past is built with a simple past form of to become (wurden) plus a past participle at the end.

Conjugation of wurden

Ich wurde

du wurdest

er, sie, es wurde

wir wurden

ihr wurdet

sie wurden


Der Mann reinigte das Auto.

  • Das Auto wurde von dem Mann gereinigt. 
  • The car was cleaned by the man.  (The car was being cleaned by the man.)



Vorgangspassiv Future Perfect 

The Vorgangspassiv Future Perfect is a mix of the Future 1 and Perfect passive forms.

The Vorgangspassiv Perfect is formed by a form of werden plus a past participle, the word „worden“ and at the end of the sentence comes the infinitive sein.

Der Mann wird das Auto gereinigt haben.

  • Das Auto wird von dem Mann gereinigt worden sein. 
  • The car will have been cleaned by the man.


Zustandspassiv Present Tense

The Zustandspassiv is built with a form of sein together with a past participle.

Der Mann reinigt den Kühlschrank.

  • Der Kühlschrank ist gereinigt. 
  • The fridge is cleaned. 

Zustandspassiv Simple Past

The Zustandspassiv is built with a simple past form of sein (waren) plus a past participle.

Der Mann reinigte den Kühlschrank.

  • Der Kühlschrank war gereinigt. 
  • The fridge was cleaned. 

These 2 forms are also used in the daily language. The other forms of the Zustandspassiv are normally not used in the spoken language and it could even be that someone misunderstands you. To make this list complete it is added.

Zustandspassiv Perfect

The Zustandspassiv is built like the Zustandspassiv present (form of sein together with a past participle) and at the end of a main sentence sentence stands the word gewesen.

Der Mann hat den Kühlschrank gereinigt.

  • Der Kühlschrank ist gereinigt gewesen. 
  • The fridge has been cleaned. 

Zustandspassiv Past Perfect

The Zustandspassiv is built with a simple past form of sein (waren) together with a past participle and at the end of a main sentence sentence stands the word gewesen.

Der Mann hat den Kühlschrank gereinigt.

  • Der Kühlschrank war gereinigt gewesen. 
  • The fridge had been cleaned. 


Zustandspassiv Futur 1

The Zustandspassiv Futur 1 is formed by using a form of werden, past participle and the infinitive sein at the end.

Der Mann wird den Kühlschrank reinigen.

  • Der Kühlschrank wird gereinigt sein. 
  • The fridge will be cleaned. 

Zustandspassiv Futur 2

The Zustandspassiv Futur 2 is formed by using a form of werden, past participle, the word gewesen and the infinitive sein at the end.

Der Mann wird den Kühlschrank gereinigt haben.

  • Der Kühlschrank wird gereinigt gewesen sein. 
  • The fridge will have been cleaned.