German Articles: der, die, das
basic info head

Guide to learning German Articles (der, die, das)

German articles can be very challenging. As a German, you normally never think about how difficult it can be to find the right article. You know that the German der stands for male, the German die for female, and the German das for neuter. But in the end, you have to learn many rules about when to use the correct German article.

The German cases, and adjective declination are interrelated with German articles.

Are you thinking of learning German but don’t know where to start? With the help of some simple tricks, you can be well on your way to mastering the language. From studying articles to utilizing online resources – we’ve got all the tips and tricks for learning articles in German that you need!

Key Takeaways

  1. When you learn vocabulary then you should always practice it with the article as well. It sounds very obvious but sometimes students only memorize new nouns without knowing the articles. A great app to create our own vocabulary lists is Quizlet, another option is to use our vocabulary quizzes.
  2. Our free article quizzes can help you to practice the German articles in a fun way. In each quiz you choose if der, die or das fits to the noun that is shown.
  3. Our free article course includes videos, handouts and quizzes. The course helps you to understand the German articles and to practice the topic as well.
  4. It is good if you know some of the most important rules when you use German der, German die or German das. If you have for example a month (der Januar) or a weekday (der Montag) then always German der is used.
  5. You can practice the articles in German by forming sentences.
  6. Understand that the grammar topic German casesis connected with the articles in German.
  7. There are also many other grammar topics for which you need to know the German articles like adjective declinationor relative clauses
  8. Know the frequency of the German Articles: If you have no clue at all which is the correct article for one noun and you have to guess then die is the best because most nouns in the German language are used with die.

What are Articles in German?

German articles are a small part of the German language but are very important. They are used to indicate the gender of the nouns, and they are also used to determine the grammatical case of a noun and its associated pronoun. German articles come in three forms: der (masculine),die (feminine) and das (neuter). Knowing how to use these articles correctly is essential for any German learner.

Understanding the article system is an important part of learning German. Articles are used to denote the gender and case of a noun. The three articles in German are der (masculine),die (feminine),and das (neuter). Depending on the noun, the article changes. For example, the word "Haus" (house) is neuter and will always be preceded by "das", while the word "Mann" (man) is masculine and will always be preceded by "der". To understand the article system better, it is important to learn the definite and indefinite articles, use gender correctly, memorize plural forms of nouns, and practice forming sentences with articles.

Why are Articles in German important?

German articles play a very important role in the language as they have a major impact on the meanings of words. German articles correlate with other grammar topics like German cases, German adjectives, and relative clauses.

Depending on the gender you have to use a different article. In the German language, we have male, female and neuter nouns. Additionally, we have 4 cases in German which means that the article is changing if you use a different gender and or a different case.

What makes German articles so hard?

German nouns can be challenging to learn as they typically 3 genders and there are no easy; fast rules to tell which article goes with which noun. This lack of clear easily understandable rules of German articles is a major reason why German articles can be difficult to master.

Even though there are many complicated rules of German articles, most Germans do not know these rules because they learned all nouns with the correct article.

German articles tend to have different endings depending on their gender and case, which can make it challenging.

Definite and Indefinite Articles in German

It is important to figure out the difference between definite and indefinite articles in the German language when you learn German. Definite articles are used to refer to a specific noun while indefinite articles are used for non-specific nouns.

For example:

  • Der Junge geht in die Schule. The boy goes to school.
  • Ein Junge geht in die Schule. A boy goes to school.

German definite articles Chart

German definite articles Chart

Here you can see the German definite articles chart. It provides a clear and concise way to understand the use of definite articles in German, which can be confusing at times. The chart displays the columns: “male”, “neuter”, "feminine" and “plural” on the top. On the left side of the chart are the following things written: "Nominative", "Genitive", "Dative" and "Accusative".

This makes it easy to identify which article should be used with any given noun. In addition to its convenience in providing an overview of how definite articles are used in German. You can read more about the German article chart in detail: here.

German definite articles in all cases

The german articles can be used in a different case and in a different gender which means that the article changes if you use for example a dative instead if a nominative case. We are going to explain the definite articles in nominative, genitive, dative and accusative.

Definite articles in German are used to indicate that a noun is specific or known to the listener. Definite articles are also used as part of some nouns and adjectives, and they can be either masculine (der),feminine (die),neuter (das) or plural (die). For example, der Mann ('the man'),die Frau ('the woman'),das Kind ('the child') and die Kinder ('the children'). The definite article changes its form depending on the gender, number, case and even the phonological environment of the word it modifies. It is important to master the use of these definite articles in order to communicate effectively in German.

German definite articles in Nominative

The definite articles in nominative are der for male, die for female and das for neuter and die for plural.


  • Der Mann geht in das Haus. The man goes in the house.
  • Die Frau fährt mit dem Fahrrad. The woman rides a bicycle.
  • Das Kind spielt im Park. The child is playing in the park.

German definite articles in Genitive

The definite articles in genitive are des for male, der for female, and das des neuter. The genitive is a bit more difficult because the noun ending is changing in neuter and most of the male words. In the German genitive, an s or es is added to the noun.


  • Das Auto der Frau ist schön. The woman's car is beautiful.
  • Die Arbeit des Mannes ist in der Nähe. The man's work is close by.
  • Die Jacke des Kinds ist rot. The child's jacket is red.

German definite articles in Dative

These are German definite articles in dative:

  • dem for male and neuter
  • der for female
  • den for plural


  • Du fährst mit dem Jungen in die Stadt. You're going into town with the boy.
  • Der Junge geht mit der Frau ins Kino. The boy goes to the cinema with the woman.
  • Du triffst dich mit den Freunden in der Innenstadt. You meet up with friends in the city centre.

German definite articles in Accusative

At last, we show you how to use definite articles in the accusative.

  • den for male
  • die for female and plural
  • das for neuter


  • Du siehst den Mann. You see the man.
  • Du siehst die Frau. You see the woman.
  • Du siehst das Kind. You see the child.

Indefinite articles in German

Indefinite articles in German are an important part of the language. The indefinite articles in German are “ein”, “eine” and “ein”. Ein is used for masculine nouns, eine is used for feminine nouns, and ein is used for neuter nouns. For example, ein Mann (a man),eine Frau (a woman),and ein Kind (a child). When using these indefinite articles, you must also make sure to use the correct case and number. For example, if you wanted to say "a boy," you would say "ein Junge" in the nominative singular form. Furthermore, when using indefinite articles with professional titles such as professor or doctor you would use "ein" regardless of gender. If a noun begins with a vowel sound then it is preceded by an 'e' which forms the phrase "ein + article". Knowing how to properly use indefinite articles in German is essential to mastering the language.

German indefinite articles Chart

German indefinite articles Chart

The German indefinite articles chart is an essential part of learning the German language. It allows German learners to understand when and how to use “ein”, “eine”, and “ein” in their everyday conversations.

The chart can be broken down into three main sections on the top of the chart: "masculine", "neuter" and "feminine". On the left you can see each gender: nominative, genitive, dative and accusative.

This chart helps you to use the correct indefinite article for all cases and gender.

Practice forming sentences with articles

Practicing forming sentences with German articles is an effective way to become more familiar with the language. To do this, start by constructing a sentence using a German noun and its article. This will help you to learn the article that is associated with the noun and to become more comfortable with the language.

Once you have a sentence, try to add other German words to it that relate to the noun. For example, you could use adjectives or adverbs to describe the noun, or you could use verbs that explain what the noun is doing in the sentence. This will help you to get a feel for how German articles are used in everyday speech.

You can also practice forming sentences in German by using different tenses, different cases or different sentence construction. For example, try constructing sentences in both present and perfect tenses, or change the word order of the sentence by using a subordinate clause like a causal clause.. Doing this will help you to become more comfortable with how articles are used in various contexts.

By practicing forming sentences with German articles, you can gain a better understanding of how they are used in the language and become more comfortable speaking and writing them.

Rules of the German articles

Rules of the German articles

In this chart, you can the most important rules of German articles. The chart makes it clear when we use which German article.

  1. As you can see in the picture we always use the male form for professions, weekdays, months, seasons, most alcohols, minerals, nouns with the ending "ent", "ling", "ich", "ig" and "er", cardinal points and male persons.
  2. Female articles are used in the following occasions; female persons, female jobs, numbers, nouns with the ending "schaft", "ion", "heit/keit", "tät", "most nouns with the ending "e", the most flowers and trees
  3. On the write side is written down when we need the neuter article: noun with the ending "chen", "um", "ment", "lein", languages, colours, foreign words with the ending "ma", nouns of verbs.

These rules are complicated and not easy to learn. But do not worry, you do not have to learn all of them!

If you ask Germans about these rules, they normally do not know them because Germans learn all nouns with the correct article and plural.

This is one of the most important things to keep in mind you always learn all nouns with an article and best also with the plural form. It is still at the beginning good if you memorize a few Article rules.

Frequency of the German Articles

Frequency of the German Articles

If you have no clue at all, then you can best choose the German die article because most German words are with die. The German Duden is the most popular German dictionary has figured out that 46 % of German nouns are feminine, 34 % masculine, and only 20 % neuter. You can find the original graphic of Duden here.

German Articles Quiz

German Articles Quizzes are a great way to test your knowledge of the German language. These quizzes will help you learn the different types of articles in German, including der, die and das.

You will be asked to answer multiple-choice questions about when to use each article and how to correctly pronounce them. It is important to understand the various usages of these articles as they are essential for forming accurate sentences in German. You can find some free German article quizzes here.

German Articles Course

Our video course for German articles helps you to understand German articles quickly in a fun way through videos, handouts and quizzes for German articles.

The German articles course is for free and you can find it here.

Practicing German Articles in a Fun Way

Practicing German articles can be a fun way to improve your language skills. One great way to do this is to create flashcards with the article and its corresponding noun, such as “der Ball” (the ball). You can then practice by quizzing yourself on each card, seeing if you can correctly guess the article for each one. Another fun way to practice German articles is by playing a game with your friends or family.

Get out some objects from around the house and have someone call them out in German. Then everyone else has to try and guess what article they are using, such as “der Apfel” (the apple). This is a great way to have fun while also learning something new. Lastly, you could also find online resources that offer exercises related to practicing German articles for example our German vocabulary quizzes or our free German article course.

How can you learn German articles more easily?

Learning German articles can be a bit challenging, but there are some helpful tips to make it easier.

  1. The most important thing as mentioned before is that you always learn all nouns with an article.
  2. Take our free article course: or practice the topic with a German article quiz: Hereand here
  3. Write as much as possible and try to use the articles in different cases and gender.
  4. Learn some of the most important German article rules.
  5. Speak as much as possible and try using articles in your sentence.
  6. Form questions or sentences with the correct articles

Practice making questions with articles

Forming questions in German is not really different from the English language. A good way to practice German articles is by creating questions.

German questions can easily be constructed by simply moving the article to the start of a sentence and adding an interrogative pronoun like "wer" or "was."

For example:

Wo ist der Mann? Where is the man? Der Mann ist im Büro. The man is in the office.

Wen siehst du? Who do you see? Ich sehe die Frau. I see the woman