German Articles Quiz: Articles in German Quiz for Free

Articles, also called "Artikel," are small words that precede nouns to indicate their gender, number, and case in a sentence. The most common German articles are "der" (masculine),"die" (feminine),and "das" (neuter),along with their plural forms "die". These articles play a vital role in the German language as they can significantly change the meaning of a sentence.

der (male)die (feminine)das (neuter)
professions = der Koch, der Polizistfemale personsendings with “chen”, “lein”, “um”, “ment”
weekdays = der Montag, der Dienstag…(etc.)female professions = die Ärztinlanguages
months = der Januar, der Februarnumbers = die Eins, die Zweicolors = das Rot, das Blau
alcohols (except beer) = der Vodka, der Rumending with “schaft”, “keit”, “heit”, “tät”Foreign words with the ending “ma” = das Trauma
seasons = der Winter, der Sommermost flowers and trees = die Tulpe, die Rosenominalizations of verbs = das Schwimmen
minerals = der Marmor   
nouns with the ending -  “ent”, “ich”, “ig”, “er”  
cardinal points = der Westen  
male persons  

In this chart you can see many rules, when to use the correct article der for male nouns, die for famine or das for neuter. Many Germans do not know these rules at all! They just learn every noun with an article. At the beginning it can help you to know some of these rules, but most important is that you always learn every noun with an article. 

Why are German articles so essential?

Articles in German are so important because: 

  • Grammar Accuracy: Using the correct article is crucial for constructing grammatically accurate sentences in German. Incorrect articles can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.
  • Clear Communication: Articles help specify the gender and number of nouns, providing clarity in communication. .
  • Connection to other grammar topics: Many other grammar topics are referring to the articles e.g cases in German, relative clauses and adjective declension.
  • Language Fluency: Proficiency in articles is a hallmark of fluency in German. It shows your dedication to mastering the language's nuances and improves your overall skills.

The Three Genders in German: Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter

Understanding the gender in German is essential for choosing the correct articles. In German, there are three genders: masculine (der),feminine (die),and neuter (das). Each gender has its own rules and exceptions, and it's crucial to learn them to use articles accurately.

  1. Masculine (der): Referring to male people and alcohols are masculine. Additionally, cardinal points, seasons and minerals are also masculine. In the chart you can see many other occasions when you need the masculine. 
  2. Feminine (die): Referring to female people and animals are typically feminine. Numbers and nouns with the ending “keit” or "heit" are also always feminine. In the above mentioned chart you can find many other options. 
  3. Neuter (das): Nouns with an ending of “chen” or “lein” are always neuter e.g das Mädchen (the girl). You can also find other options as well in the chart.

German Article Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

Let's put your German article knowledge to the test with a fun and informative quiz. Each question will challenge your understanding of definite articles (der, die, das) .


Is this quiz for free? 

Yes, after registering, you can start for free with the quiz. 

How is the quiz done? 

It is a multiply choice test,  in which you give the answers with der, die or das for different words .

The rules are very confusing for me. Are there any tricks? 

Articles in German are very difficult and it takes some time to learn them. The most essential thing is that you always practice every noun with an article. Do not get overwhelmed by all the rules, as written before, many Germans do not know them. One very important trick if you have no clue at all is, to keep in mind that die is used the most of all articles with 46 %. You can read more about it here.

German Articles Course

Learning German articles can be challenging, but we've got you covered! Our step-by-step Articles Course makes it simple and enjoyable. Ready to make progress? Check out our course: here