Start the Quiz – Cases in German
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What shall I do in this Quiz?
In this quiz, you are required to select the correct German case for each sentence: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, or Accusative.
What are the German Cases?
The German language features four cases: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. For more information on this topic, click: here
How to practice the Cases in German?
Start by mastering the rules of the cases and grasping the formation of definite and indefinite articles.
Memorize prepositions associated with dative, accusative, and two-way prepositions.
Next, concentrate on verbs that require a specific case.
Finally, learn about verbs that are used with specific prepositions.
Do the German Articles also play a role for this topic?
Yes, depending which gender and case you use, then the article is changing. You can read more about the German Articles der, die and das: here.
Is this German Cases Quiz for free?
Yes, this quiz is for free.
Where can I find an Overview of all Grammar Quizzes?
You can find a full list: here.
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