Practice the German Cases and Articles with this Free Quiz

Focused woman reading a book about German cases and articles.

German Articles and Cases Text

Jeden Morgen beginnt ____ (1. Tag) mit ____ (2. Frühstück). ____ (3. gutes Frühstück) gibt mir Energie für ____ (4. restlichen Tag).

Mittags esse ich in ____ (5. Kantine). Gestern habe ich ____ (6 Salat) mit gewählt. Ich achte immer darauf, genug Gemüse zu essen,  weil es gut für ____ (7. Gesundheit) ist. Am Abend bereite ich oft ____ (8. leichtes Gericht) zu. Letzte Woche habe ich ____ (9. Rezept) ausprobiert. _____(10. Essen) war lecker und hat ____ (11. ganzen Familie) geschmeckt. Nach ____ (12. Abendessen) genieße ich oft noch ____ (13. Stück) Schokolade oder ____ (14. Glas) Wein.

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FAQ: German Articles and Cases Practice

What are the German Cases?

The German language features four cases: nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative. To explore this topic further, click: here.

What are the Articles in German?

The German language includes both definite and indefinite articles. Nouns in German can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. For feminine nouns, the article ‘die’ or the indefinite article ‘eine’ is used; for neuter nouns, it’s ‘das’ or ‘ein’; and for masculine nouns, ‘der’ or ‘ein’ is needed. Moreover, German articles vary according to the case. Read more about the articles here.

What do I have to do in this Quiz?

In this quiz, you’ll choose the correct definite or indefinite article for 14 nouns within the coherent text.

Is this Quiz for Free?

Yes, this quiz is free of charge.

Are there more German Grammar Quizzes available?

Sure! Simply click here to see the full list.

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