German Verb Haben (To Have): Conjugation & Essential Uses

A teacher explaining the conjugation and usage of the German verb 'haben' to students in a lecture hall.

Table of Contents


The German verb haben (to have) is one of the most fundamental and frequently used verbs in the German language. It is essential for expressing possession, forming compound tenses, and is a key component in everyday conversations. This guide will help you understand how to conjugate haben in various tenses and use it correctly.

Why Is the Verb Haben Important?

Learning the verb haben is crucial because it serves multiple functions in German. It expresses possession, is used in idiomatic expressions, and acts as an auxiliary verb in forming compound tenses like the present perfect and past perfect.

Conjugation of Haben in the Present Tense (Präsens)

The present tense of haben is used to express current possession or states. It is an irregular verb, so its conjugation must be memorized.
Person Conjugation English Translation
ich habe I have
du hast you have (informal singular)
er/sie/es hat he/she/it has
wir haben we have
ihr habt you have (informal plural)
sie/Sie haben they have / you have (formal)

Example Sentences in the Present Tense

  • Ich habe ein Buch. – I have a book.
  • Hast du Zeit? – Do you have time?
  • Sie hat zwei Katzen. – She has two cats.
  • Wir haben Hunger. – We are hungry.
  • Ihr habt Glück. – You are lucky.
  • Sie haben ein neues Haus. – They have a new house.
For more details on the present tense, see our article on the German Present Tense.

Conjugation of Haben in the Simple Past Tense (Präteritum)

The simple past tense is used for narratives and written texts about past events. The verb haben is irregular in this tense.
Person Conjugation English Translation
ich hatte I had
du hattest you had (informal singular)
er/sie/es hatte he/she/it had
wir hatten we had
ihr hattet you had (informal plural)
sie/Sie hatten they had / you had (formal)

Example Sentences in the Simple Past Tense

  • Ich hatte einen Traum. – I had a dream.
  • Hattest du Spaß? – Did you have fun?
  • Er hatte keine Zeit. – He had no time.
  • Wir hatten Glück. – We were lucky.
  • Ihr hattet viel Arbeit. – You had a lot of work.
  • Sie hatten ein Problem. – They had a problem.
The simple past tense is commonly used with haben in writing. Learn more in our article on the German Simple Past Tense.

Conjugation of Haben in the Present Perfect Tense (Perfekt)

A group of students celebrating their understanding of the German verb 'haben' after a successful study session in a library. Teamwork and success in mastering the German verb ‘haben’—learning through collaboration and shared goals. The present perfect tense is often used in spoken German to describe past events. It is formed with the auxiliary verb haben and the past participle.
Person Auxiliary Verb Past Participle English Translation
ich habe gehabt I have had
du hast gehabt you have had
er/sie/es hat gehabt he/she/it has had
wir haben gehabt we have had
ihr habt gehabt you have had
sie/Sie haben gehabt they have had / you have had

Example Sentences in the Present Perfect Tense

  • Ich habe genug gehabt. – I have had enough.
  • Hast du Spaß gehabt? – Have you had fun?
  • Sie hat Besuch gehabt. – She has had visitors.
  • Wir haben Glück gehabt. – We have been lucky.
  • Ihr habt Pech gehabt. – You have had bad luck.
  • Sie haben eine Idee gehabt. – They have had an idea.
For more on the present perfect tense, read our guide on the perfect tense.

Conjugation of Haben in the Past Perfect Tense (Plusquamperfekt)

The past perfect tense describes actions that had occurred before another past event. It is formed with the simple past tense of haben and the past participle.
Person Auxiliary Verb (Simple Past) Past Participle English Translation
ich hatte gehabt I had had
du hattest gehabt you had had
er/sie/es hatte gehabt he/she/it had had
wir hatten gehabt we had had
ihr hattet gehabt you had had
sie/Sie hatten gehabt they had had / you had had

Example Sentences in the Past Perfect Tense

  • Ich hatte genug gehabt. – I had had enough.
  • Hattest du Spaß gehabt? – Had you had fun?
  • Er hatte Besuch gehabt. – He had had visitors.
  • Wir hatten Pech gehabt. – We had had bad luck.
  • Ihr hattet eine Idee gehabt. – You had had an idea.
  • Sie hatten Glück gehabt. – They had been lucky.
Learn more about the past perfect tense in our article on the past perfect.

Conjugation of Haben in the Future I Tense (Futur I)

The future I tense is used to talk about actions that will happen. It is formed with the auxiliary verb werden and the infinitive of the main verb.
Person Auxiliary Verb Main Verb (Infinitive) English Translation
ich werde haben I will have
du wirst haben you will have
er/sie/es wird haben he/she/it will have
wir werden haben we will have
ihr werdet haben you will have
sie/Sie werden haben they will have / you will have

Example Sentences in the Future I Tense

  • Ich werde Zeit haben. – I will have time.
  • Wirst du Hunger haben? – Will you be hungry?
  • Sie wird Erfolg haben. – She will have success.
  • Wir werden Spaß haben. – We will have fun.
  • Ihr werdet Glück haben. – You will be lucky.
  • Sie werden eine Prüfung haben. – They will have an exam.
For more on the future tense, see our guide on the future I.

Conjugation of Haben in the Future II Tense (Futur II)

The future II tense expresses actions that will have been completed in the future. It is formed with the auxiliary verb werden, the past participle of the main verb, and the auxiliary verb haben in infinitive form.
Person Auxiliary Verb Past Participle Auxiliary Verb (Infinitive) English Translation
ich werde gehabt haben I will have had
du wirst gehabt haben you will have had
er/sie/es wird gehabt haben he/she/it will have had
wir werden gehabt haben we will have had
ihr werdet gehabt haben you will have had
sie/Sie werden gehabt haben they will have had / you will have had

Example Sentences in the Future II Tense

  • Bis morgen werde ich genug gehabt haben. – By tomorrow I will have had enough.
  • Wirst du Spaß gehabt haben? – Will you have had fun?
  • Er wird Erfolg gehabt haben. – He will have had success.
  • Wir werden Pech gehabt haben. – We will have had bad luck.
  • Ihr werdet eine Prüfung gehabt haben. – You will have had an exam.
  • Sie werden Zeit gehabt haben. – They will have had time.
To learn more about the future perfect tense, read our article on the future II .


Understanding the various conjugations of the verb haben is essential for mastering German. The present and simple past tenses are the most commonly used forms, but knowing all tenses will enhance your ability to express complex ideas. Regular practice will help you become more comfortable with these conjugations. For a comprehensive overview of German tenses, visit our guide on German tenses explained. Also, consider reviewing the German verb sein to compare and contrast these two essential verbs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the verb haben irregular?

Haben is an irregular verb due to historical linguistic developments. Its irregular forms are common in many languages for essential verbs. Memorization is key to mastering it.

Which tenses of haben are most commonly used?

The present tense (Präsens) and simple past tense (Präteritum) are most commonly used.

Can haben function as an auxiliary verb?

Haben serves as an auxiliary verb in compound tenses like the present perfect and past perfect, helping to form these tenses with other main verbs.